Both LM and casuarinin promote BrdU incorporation into SCs in vivo. (a) Experimental design of the BrdU-incorporation assay in rats. Each group of animals was orally administered water (Ctrl), LM, or casuarinin daily for 4 d. Eight hours after the last administration of each sample, all animals were intraperitoneally administered BrdU (50 mg/kg), and then 16 h later, animals were sacrificed and SCs were isolated. (b) Effects of LM and casuarinin administration on BrdU incorporation into SCs. The daily dose of each sample is shown in the figure. BrdU incorporation into SCs is expressed as BrdU+ SCs per total SCs and is shown as a fold change compared to the Ctrl. Data represent the mean ± SD of each group (three independent cultures per rat). Significant differences (p < 0.05) relative to the Ctrl are indicated in the figure, and non-significant differences (p > 0.05) are not shown in the figure.