BnaA03.MKK5 is involved in defense response. (A) Sequence alignment of BnaA03.MKK5, JF268686, AtMKK5, and AtMKK4. The conserved amino acid residues are shown in black shading and similar residues are displayed in gray shading. The key motif activation loop is marked with red square frame, and conserved Ser/Thr is highlighted in blue. At, Arabidopsis thaliana; Bna, Brassica napus. (B) Induced expression profiles of BnaA03.MKK5 were identified at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, 48 h, and 72 h after inoculation with S. sclerotiorum. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). (C) Diagram of the conserved Ser/Thr residues in the activation loop of BnaA03.MKK5. The target sites were detected via alignment to the homologous sequences in other species. BnaA03.MKK5DD, conserved Ser/Thr mutated to Asp. Nt, Nicotiana benthamiana. (D) Constitutively active BnaA03.MKK5DD induced hypersensitive response cell death. Hypersensitive response cell death induced by overexpression of constitutively active BnaA03.MKK5DD (MKK5DD-OE) in N. benthamiana leaves. MKK5-OE, plants infiltrated with Agrobacterium carrying BnaA03.MKK5 overexpression driven by CaMV35S; MKK5DD-OE, plants infiltrated with Agrobacterium carrying BnaA03.MKK5DD overexpression driven by CaMV35S; control, without injection. Scale bars, 2 cm (top image), 1 cm (bottom image).