Figure 10.
In comparison to CC-1690, CC-5325 had longer cilia in tris-acetate-phosphate (TAP) medium but slower swimming speed in M-N medium (minimal medium without nitrogen and acetate). CC-1690 and CC-5325 cells were grown in TAP (a,c,g) or in M-N (b,d,h) with constant agitation and under constant light of 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1. (a,b) The percentage of cells with cilia was counted. The center (horizontal lines) represents the mean of 3 biological replicates where N = 100 in each replicate. The three dots represent the mean of each biological replicate. Significance was determined by Chi-square analysis, p = 0.4521 for (a), p = 0.1159 for (b); ns, not significant. (c,d) Ciliary length was measured using ImageJ. Superplots were created by measuring the mean (the larger dots) of 3 biological replicates. Data points from individual cells are shown as small dots. The center (longer horizontal bars) represents the mean of the 3 biological replicates (N = 30 in each replicate), and the shorter horizontal bars represent standard error. Significance was determined by using a two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance, (c) * means significance, p = 0.0265 and (d) p = 0.2877, ns, not significant. (e,f) Representative images of the traces created by swimming cells in TAP. CC-1690 and CC-5325 cells were allowed to swim on a microscope slide during darkfield microscopy. The camera exposure was set to 1 s (sec). The resulting images contain traces shown in the figure that represent the path the cells travelled during the 1-s exposure. The length of these traces was measured in ImageJ to estimate the swimming speed. The scale bars represent 25 µm. (g,h) The swimming speed of CC-1690 and CC-5325 cells grown in TAP (g) or M-N (h). Superplots were created by measuring the mean (the larger dots) of 3 biological replicates where N = 100 in each replicate. The center (longer horizontal bars) represents the mean of 3 biological replicates, and the shorter horizontal bars represent standard error. Significance was determined by using a two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variance. (g) p = 0.2422, ns, not significant. (h) * means significance, p = 0.0438.