(A) The top panel shows the genomic organization of the six Hox genes (color-coded) on chromosome III. The bottom panel shows a summary of Hox expression in neurons outside of the ventral nerve cord MNs. (B) The expression of lin-39 in AQR and AIY neurons confirmed by the overlapping with the expression of neurotransmitter identity markers, as well as the expression of AIY fate marker otIs133[ttx-3p::RFP]. Arrows indicate expression and dashed circles indicate no expression. (C) The expression of mab-5 in PQR and AVL neurons. unkEx226[flp-11p::TagRFP] served as the fate marker for AVL. (D) The expression of egl-5 in glutamatergic LUA, PHB, and PLM neurons, cholinergic PDA, PDB, PVC, DA9, and VA12 neurons, GABAergic DVB, DD6, and VD13 neurons, and the serotonergic HSN neurons (marked by vsIs97[tph-1p::DsRed2]). (E) The expression of endogenous knock-in php-3::GFP(unk25) in glutamatergic PHC, DVC, and PVR neurons, and cholinergic PLN and DVA neurons. (F) The expression of nob-1 in PHC, PLN, and DVA neurons. Scale bars = 20 μm.