(A) A summary of lin-39, mab-5, and egl-5 expression in cholinergic and GABAergic MNs in the ventral nerve cord. (B) The expression of the three Hox genes among the subtypes of the eight types of MNs. Dark and light green indicates strong and weak expression of the reporters, respectively. (C) Summary of the subtype marker expression in wild-type animals and Hox mutants. The number in the tables indicate the percentage of cells expressing the corresponding GFP reporter; the mean of three biological replicates is shown (raw results in S6 Table). Genotype names in black indicate our confirmation of previous results [9] and red names indicate new results from this study. Dark blue, light blue, and white highlighting indicate highly penetrant, reduced or ectopic, and no expression, respectively. (D) A model for the activity of MAB-5 and EGL-5 in regulating the molecular features of the MN subtypes. Genes in black are expressed and genes in light grey are not expressed.