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. 2022 Mar 10;12:3938. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08045-y

Table 1.

Water quality and zooplankton parameters across the studied turbidity classes (mean ± SD).

x¯  ± SD x¯  ± SD x¯  ± SD
Physical and chemical parameters of water
Turbidity (NTU) 12.58a 7.34 18.67b 9.99 31.83c 17.87 0.000
SDT (m) 1.18a 0.38 0.74b 0.20 0.54c 0.14 0.000
Color (Hazen) 10.10a 6.99 18.03b 13.51 23.87b 19.10 0.000
Tot susp (mg/l) 4.35a 3.05 6.84ab 5.60 9.03b 6.99 0.000
In susp (mg/l) 1.27a 1.26 2.76ab 3.02 3.24b 3.49 0.003
Org susp (mg/l) 3.08a 2.47 4.08ab 4.90 5.79b 5.93 0.019
Chl a (µg/l) 3.46a 4.43 4.49ab 2.97 6.16b 6.81 0.027
Temperature (°C) 17.44 3.06 16.71 4.87 17.08 4.36 > 0.05
pH 7.74 0.26 7.78 0.32 7.80 0.27 > 0.05
DO (mg/l) 8.29 1.41 8.74 1.24 8.66 0.93 > 0.05
TP (mg/l) 0.12 0.06 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.06 > 0.05
TN (mg/l) 0.22 0.10 0.28 0.12 0.30 0.12 > 0.05
Zooplankton measures
Biomass (mg/l) 0.122a 0.269 8.02b 12.42 3.66c 6.76 0.000
Abundance (ind./l) 105.9a 407.7 1265.5b 1555.4 751.4c 1345.20 0.000
Number of species (ind.) 17a 5 17a 4 15b 5 0.009
Shannon’s biodiversity index H 1.99a 0.58 1.64b 0.39 1.62b 0.45 0.000
Pielou’s eveness index, J 0.714a 0.192 0.583b 0.127 0.622b 0.175 0.001

Differences in the analysed parameters were determined by ANOVA (df = 157; P ≤ 0.05); values with the different superscripts are different among reservoirs by post-hoc Tukey test.

SDT Secchi depth, Tot susp total suspended solids, In susp inorganic suspended solids, Org susp organic suspended solids, Chl a chlorophyll a, DO dissolved oxygen, TP total phosphorus, TN total nitrogen.