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. 2022 Mar;49(1):41–60. doi: 10.1177/00346446211017797

Table 6.

Parameter Estimates for Correlates With Hours per Week Spent on Remote Learning.

Hours per week spent with family members on remote learning Hours per week students spent studying by themselves Hours per week spent with teachers on remote learning
Had reliable internet and devices available 2.2033*** 1.4011** 0.3057
(0.2865) (0.6648) (0.4546)
Asian, alone 2.5533*** 0.9840 −1.1664
(0.8026) (1.5810) (1.1795)
Black, alone 2.1559*** 2.4467** −0.9467
(0.5373) (1.1383) (0.7772)
Hispanic/Latinx 2.7144*** 4.9038*** −0.8685
(0.5610) (1.2454) (0.8736)
Other/multiple races −0.1418 4.8252* 1.0557
(0.6400) (2.8189) (1.1312)
Interaction between reliable internet and device availability and race and ethnicity
Reliable internet/device, Asian −0.9542 1.9439 0.0466
(0.8354) (1.8356) (1.2684)
Reliable internet/device, Black −0.1125 0.1290 2.9718***
(0.5728) (1.2661) (0.8449)
Reliable internet/device, Hispanic −1.2409** −3.6820*** 0.7281
(0.5969) (1.3693) (0.9340)
Reliable internet/device, other/multiple race 1.5228* −3.4593 −0.2608
(0.8247) (2.9477) (1.2403)
Renter 0.0276 0.3751 0.8459***
(0.1834) (0.5102) (0.2885)
Worked for pay 0.1199 0.5544 −0.3561
(0.1596) (0.4440) (0.2544)
Number of minor children 0.3818*** 0.6654*** 1.8856***
(0.0762) (0.1767) (0.1150)
Income categories
$25,000–$34,999 0.0875 −0.9783 −1.1794**
(0.3433) (0.8685) (0.5163)
$35,000–$49,999 −0.5746* −1.4990 −1.0295**
(0.3408) (0.9381) (0.5128)
$50,000–$74,999 −0.4051 −0.9565 −0.9459*
(0.3374) (0.9991) (0.5025)
$75,000–$99,999 −0.4931 −1.0789 −0.7392
(0.3348) (0.9637) (0.4921)
$100,000–$149,999 −0.2467 −0.9346 −0.6542
(0.3360) (0.9934) (0.5021)
$150,000–$199,999 −0.0636 −0.9154 −1.0620*
(0.3641) (1.0549) (0.5610)
$200,000+ 1.0512*** 1.0411 −0.4037
(0.3624) (1.0449) (0.5395)
Women −0.8278*** −1.5760*** −0.7448***
(0.1452) (0.4117) (0.2363)
Age 0.0661*** 0.0569*** −0.0334***
(0.0069) (0.0195) (0.0117)
Never married 0.0113 −0.3054 −2.6637***
(0.2312) (0.6166) (0.3721)
Widowed/separated/divorced −0.3389 −0.4114 −1.1584***
(0.2154) (0.5946) (0.3309)
Constant −4.9324*** −1.4154 9.0540***
(0.8582) (2.4091) (1.3222)
State indicator variables Yes Yes Yes
Week indicator variables Yes Yes Yes
Observations 136,725 32,180 136,518
F-statistic 29.62 11.68 24.97
p-value .000 .000 .000

Note. Data on hours per week students studied by themselves only available from week 6 forward. Otherwise, sample sizes vary because of sample restrictions and because of varying number of nonresponsed. Results show parameter estimates based on tobit regressions. Numbers in parentheses are standard errors.

*** indicates significance at the 1% level; ** indicates significance at the 5% level; and * indicates significance at the 10% level.