Integration of online published single-cell/single-nucleus transcriptomic sequencing (sc/snRNA-seq) datasets of postmortem human substantia nigra (SN). (A) Schematic flowchart showing the processing, integration, and generation of an integrated dataset from online published sc/snRNA-seq datasets of human SN. (B) Violin plot of the expression of canonical marker genes in the identified cell populations. (C) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of the identified cell populations. (D) UMAP feature plots of the expression of some well-known marker genes in the cell clusters. (E) UMAP plot of the identified neuron subtypes after subclustering the NEU cluster in C. (F) UMAP feature plots of the expression of well-known marker genes in the identified neuron subpopulations. ODC, oligodendrocyte cluster; AST, astrocyte cluster; OPC, oligodendrocyte precursor cell cluster; MIG, microglia cluster; NEU, neuron cluster; ENT, endothelial cell cluster; UN, unidentified cell cluster; InN, inhibitory neuron cluster; ExN, excitatory neuron cluster; DaN, dopaminergic neuron cluster; UnN1, unidentified neuron cluster 1; UnN2, unidentified neuron cluster 2; UnN3, unidentified neuron cluster 3.