Fig. 6.
Phylogeny of lactate permease families. (a) Families of lactate permease, and (b) subfamilies of LP-IV. The conserved lactate permease domain PF02652 was detected in 17 653 protein sequences from Uniprot (June 2020). These proteins were formed into 1627 clusters of 70% identity. A maximum-likelihood tree was constructed from the representative sequences of these clusters using the LG+F+R8 model. All branches shown have >70 % support of 1000 SH-alrt replicates. Proteins were clustered into protein families and subfamilies using the average branch length distances to the leaves in the phylogenetic tree. The tree was rooted using minimal ancestor deviation. Lactate permeases of C. catus GD/7 and A. soehngenii L2-7 are listed underneath the subfamilies of which they belong to. The upregulated lactate permeases detected in the preceding transcriptomics work in this study are indicated in red font. Representative genes of each family of lactate permease and each subfamily of LP-IV are listed in Table S16 and Table S17, respectively.