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. 2022 Mar 10;5(3):e221875. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.1875

Table 1. Characteristics of Screen-Positive Patients and Patients Also Detected by Clinicians as Having Depression.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)a
Total screen positive (n = 33 694) Screen positive and detected by clinician to have depression (n = 15 155)
Total Follow-up within 84 d Follow-up within 180 d Minimally appropriate treatment
Age, mean (SD), y 56.31 (17.33) 51.56 (17.00) 47.95 (16.05) 48.66 (16.30) 50.38 (16.71)
Male 30 577 (91) 13 308 (88) 4266 (87) 6688 (87) 10 208 (87)
Female 3117 (9) 1847 (12) 658 (13) 988 (13) 1447 (12)
Race and ethnicity
Black 4677 (14) 2340 (15) 871 (18) 1311 (17) 1818 (16)
Hispanic 6785 (20) 3277 (22) 1083 (22) 1698 (22) 2557 (22)
White 16 900 (50) 7090 (47) 2176 (44) 3421 (45) 5435 (47)
Otherb 1422 (4) 713 (5) 221 (4) 360 (5) 543 (5)
Unknown or missing 3910 (12) 1735 (11) 573 (12) 886 (12) 1332 (11)
Marital status
Married 14 194 (42) 6053 (40) 1785 (36) 2874 (37) 4703 (40)
Single or previously married 19 500 (58) 9102 (60) 3139 (64) 4802 (63) 6982 (60)
Means test
Exempt 3381 (10) 3550 (23) 1246 (25) 1836 (24) 2664 (23)
Nonexempt 3381 (10) 1521 (10) 481 (10) 783 (10) 1160 (10)
Any copayment required 3735 (11) 1572 (10) 535 (11) 834 (11) 1202 (10)
Missing 18 088 (54) 8512 (56) 2662 (54) 4223 (55) 6659 (57)
Service-connected disability
0% 892 (3) 384 (3) 123 (3) 184 (2) 288 (2)
1%-50% 6936 (21) 3180 (21) 1087 (22) 1668 (22) 2464 (21)
51%-100% 13 238 (39) 6254 (41) 1776 (36) 2969 (39) 4918 (42)
Missing 12 628 (37) 5337 (35) 1938 (39) 2855 (37) 4015 (34)
Charlson Comorbidity Index score
0 17912 (53) 9049 (57) 2350 (66) 4908 (64) 7156 (61)
1 7115 (21) 2949 (19) 893 (18) 1455 (19) 2249 (19)
≥2 8667 (26) 3157 (21) 781 (16) 1313 (17) 2280 (20)
Mental health or substance use disorder
Anxiety disorder 8162 (24) 5807 (38) 2562 (52) 3750 (49) 4838 (41)
Posttraumatic stress disorder 11 330 (34) 7109 (47) 2772 (56) 4321 (56) 6006 (51)
Serious mental illness 1199 (4) 697 (5) 348 (7) 507 (7) 613 (5)
Alcohol use disorder 3304 (10) 2056 (14) 974 (20) 1369 (18) 1730 (15)
Substance use disorder 1646 (5) 1075 (7) 564 (11) 765 (10) 927 (8)
Clinic characteristics
Rural 2611 (8) 911 (6) 184 300 649
Small 8948 (27) 3592 (24) 910 1615 2781
Community based 21 468 (64) 9618 (63) 13 231 12 224 10 877

Numbers represent unique patients. If patients were counted in multiple fiscal years, we reported characteristics associated with the most recent fiscal year (eg, latest age).


Other includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.