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. 2022 Feb 24;22(5):1799. doi: 10.3390/s22051799

Table A1.

Studies based on inertial sensors.

Study Problem Dataset Population Input Data Analysis/Algorithms Evaluation
Rastegari et al. (2020) [49] Diagnosis 10 PD patients and 10 healthy controls from another study [166] Accelerometer and gyroscope data from both ankles using SHIMMER sensors Segmentation + bag-of-words features extraction based on sub-sequences clustering with k-medoid + SVM/DT/RF/kNN Best performing: DT with ACC = 90%, PREC = 90%, REC = 90%
Zhang et al. (2020) [54] Diagnosis 656 PD patients and 2148 healthy controls from the mPower study [126] Gait features from smartphone sensors located at the pocket Deep CNN AUROC = 0.87
Juutinen et al. (2021) [50] Diagnosis 29 PD patients and 29 healthy controls Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from a waist-mounted smartphone while performing walking tests Interpolation + low-pass filtering + smoothening + segmentation to strides + feature extraction + feature selection with mRMR/SFS/SBS + classification of strides with DT/Gaussian kernel/LDA/ensemble/kNN/LR/NB/SVM/RF + majority voting for subject classification Best performing: SFS + kNN with ACC = 84.5%, SENS = 88.5%, SPEC = 81.3%
Fernandes et al. (2018) [51] Parkinsonism diagnosis and differential diagnosis between idiopathic PD (IPD) and vascular parkinsonism (VaP) 15 IPD, 15 VaP patients and 15 healthy controls Gait signals from wearable Physilog motion sensors placed on both feet and MOCA scores Normalization + feature selection based on Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests with Bonferroni correction + features ranking with RFs + MLP/DBN Best performing for parkinsonism detection: MLP with ACC = 99.33%, SENS = 93.33%; for IPD-VaP differential diagnosis: DBN with ACC = 73.33%, SENS = 73.33%, SPEC = 73.33%
Cuzzolin et al. (2017) [52] Diagnosis and severity estimation in the SF-36 (0–100) scale 156 PD patients and 424 healthy controls Signals from an IMU attached to the lower spine while walking HMM + kNN For diagnosis: ACC = 85.51%, F1-SCORE = 81.54%; for severity estimation: MAE = 27.81
Borzì et al. (2020) [70] Severity estimation (MDS-UPDRS related to leg agility scores classification) 93 PD patients Acceleration, angular velocity and orientation data from a smartphone application Low-pass Butterworth filter + FFT + feature selection + DT/kNN/SVM/ANN Best performing: ANN with ACC = 77.7%, AUROC = 0.92, r = 0.92, RMSE = 0.42, ICC = 0.82
Hssayeni et al. (2018) [96] Fluctuation identification (on/off states detection) 12 PD patients (1st dataset) and 7 PD patients (2nd dataset) Signals from an ankle-mounted triaxial gyroscope FIR bandpass filter + LSTM ACC = 73–77%, SENS = 63–75%, SPEC = 78–83%
Aich et al. (2020) [97] Fluctuation identification (on/off states detection) 20 PD patients Statistical and gait parameter features from 2 knee-worn accelerometers Feature selection + RF/SVM/kNN/NB Best performing: RF with ACC = 96.72%, PREC = 96.92%, REC = 97.35%, F1-SCORE = 0.97, AUROC = 0.99
Abujrida et al. (2020) [53] Diagnosis and severity estimation regarding walking balance (MDS-UPDRS-2.12), shaking/tremor (MDS-UPDRS-2.10) and FoG 152 PD patients and 304 healthy controls from the mPower study [126] Signals from smartphone embedded accelerometers and gyroscopes, demographics and lifestyle data Segmentation + smoothening + feature extraction in time, frequency (FFT + PSD), wavelet (DWT) domain + RF/bagged trees/boosted tress/fine tree/cubic SVM/weighted kNN/LR/LDA Best performing for diagnosis: RF with ACC = 95%, PREC = 94%, AUROC = 0.99; for walking balance: RF with ACC = 93%, PREC = 92%, AUROC = 0.97; for tremor: bagged trees with ACC = 95%, PREC = 95%, AUROC = 0.92; for FoG: bagged trees with ACC = 98%, PREC = 96%, AUROC = 0.98
Kim et al. (2015) [84] FoG detection 15 PD patients Gyroscopic and accelerometer data from smartphones placed at the waist, pocket and ankle AdaBoost SENS = 81.1–86%, SPEC = 91.5–92.5%
Ashour et al. (2020) [87] FoG detection 10 PD patients Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, knees and hips Patient-dependent LSTM/{DWT/FFT + Patient-dependent SVM/ANN} Best performing: LSTM with ACC = 68.44–98.89%
Torvi et al. (2016) [89] FoG prediction in 1 s, 3 s and 5 s horizons 10 PD patients from Daphnet dataset Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, the thighs and the trunk LSTM/RNN with or without transfer learning Best performing: LSTM + transfer learning with ACC = 85–95%
Arami et al. (2019) [90] FoG prediction (2-class classification FoG/no-FoG and 3-class classification pre-FoG/FoG/no-FoG) 10 PD patients from Daphnet dataset Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, the thighs and the trunk Windowing + filtering + feature extraction + feature selection with mRMR/BE + features time series prediction with AR/ARMA + RBF-SVM/PNN For 2-class classification: ACC = 94%, SENS = 93%, SPEC = 87%; for 3-class classification: ACC = 77%
Kleanthous et al. (2020) [91] FoG detection (FoG/walking/transition from walking to FoG classification) 10 PD patients from Daphnet dataset Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, the thighs and the trunk Low pass Butterworth filter + Boruta algorithm + GBM + XGB for feature selection + XGB/RF/GBM/RBF-SVM/MLP Best performing: RBF-SVM with ACC = 79.85%, SENS = 72.34–91.49%, SPEC = 87.36–93.62%
Li et al. (2020) [88] FoG detection 10 PD patients from Daphnet dataset Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, the thighs and the trunk Filtering + segmentation + data augmentation + CNN with squeeze-and-excitation blocks for feature extraction + attention-enhanced LSTM ACC = 98.1–99.7%, SENS = 95.1–99.1%, SPEC = 98.8–99.8% for generalized and personalized models with 10-fold cross-validation; AUC = 0.945, ACC = 91.9%, EER = 10.6% with LOSO validation
Halder et al. (2021) [92] FoG states classification (pre-FoG, FoG, pre-post-FoG, no-FoG) 10 PD patients from Daphnet dataset Accelerometer data from sensors placed on the ankles, the thighs and the trunk Second-order Butterworth low-pass filtering + PCA + kNN/MLP/SVM Best performing: kNN with ACC = 98.92%, SENS = 94.97%, SPEC = 99.19%, F1-SCORE = 95.25%, PREC = 95.55%
Palmerini et al. (2017) [93] Pre-FoG detection (classification between gait and pre-FoG) 11 PD patients Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from sensors placed at the lower-back and at the ankles Windowing + feature extraction + LDA SENS = 83%, SPEC = 67%, AUROC = 0.76
Borzì et al. (2021) [94] FoG and pre-FoG detection 11 PD patients on and off therapy A single angular velocity signal from 2 shins-mounted inertial sensors while performing TUG tests Normalization + segmentation + wrapper feature selection + SVM/kNN/LDA/LR Best performing: SVM with ACC = 85.5–86.1%, SENS = 84.1–85.5%, SPEC = 85.9–86.3%, F-SCORE = 73.4–74.6%
Shi et al. (2020) [85] FoG detection 63 PD patients Accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals from IMUs placed on both ankles and the spine while performing TUG tests Time-series segmentation with overlapping windows + Morlet CWT/FFT/raw data + 1D-CNN/2D-CNN/LSTM Best performing: CWT + 2D-CNN with ACC = 89.2%, SENS = 82.1%, SPEC = 96%, GM = 88.8%
Camps et al. (2018) [86] FoG detection 21 PD patients Signals from a waist-mounted IMU with accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer while performing several walking tests and ADLs Spectral window stacking (with FFT) + RUSBoost/SVM-RBF/CNN Best performing: CNN with ACC = 89%, SENS = 91.9%, SPEC = 89.5% and geometrical mean of SENS-SPEC = 90.6%
Ghassemi et al. (2018) [95] Gait segmentation (strides detection) 10 PD patients for the 1st experiment and 34 PD patients for the 2nd experiment Acceleration and angular velocity signals from foot-worn IMUs while walking in straight line (1st experiment) and walking, turning or performing other movements (2nd experiment) Peak detection algorithm/Euclidean DTW/Probabilistic DTW/hierarchical HMM Best performing for the 1st experiment: all with F-SCORE = 99.8–100%;
For the 2nd experiment: hHMM with PREC = 98.5%, REC = 93.5%, F-SCORE = 95.9%
Kostikis et al. (2015) [55] Diagnosis 25 PD patients and 20 healthy controls Tremor measurements from accelerometer and gyroscope smartphone sensors NB/LR/SVM/AdaBoost/C4.5/RF Best performing: RF with SENS = 82%, SPEC = 90%, AUROC = 0.94
Williamson et al. (2021) [59] Diagnosis 202 PD patients and 178 healthy controls from the UK Biobank dataset (, accessed on 17 February 2022) Acceleration signals from a wrist-worn sensor Segmentation + automatic segments labelling (gait or low movement) + segmentation into frames + features extraction + GMM SENS = 65–75%, AUROC = 0.85
Park et al. (2021) [60] Diagnosis 25 PD patients and 21 healthy controls Signals from IMUs attached to the thumb and index fingers while performing finger tapping, hand movements and rapid altering movements Linear regression + correlation between motor parameters and UPDRS scores + DNN/LR for PD diagnosis For motor parameters-UPDRS scores correlation: r = 0.838–0.849; Best performing for diagnosis: DNN with AUROC = 0.888–0.950
Talitckii et al. (2021) [65] Differential diagnosis between PD and other extrapyramidal disorders 41 PD patients and 15 patients with other extrapyramidal disorders Accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals form a dorsal-mounted sensor while performing UPDRS-related tasks STFT + feature extraction + linear-PCA/RBF-PCA/poly-PCA/LDA/FA + RF/SVM/LR/LightGBM/stacked ensemble model Best performing: standard classifier with ACC = 72–85%, PREC = 72–85%, REC = 77–100%, F1-SCORE = 76–88%
Varghese et al. (2020) [66] PD or other movement disorders (DD) patients and healthy controls classification; PD patients and DD patients or healthy controls classification 192 PD patients, 75 DD patients and 51 healthy controls Accelerometer data from 2 smartwatches placed at both hands and answers from electronic questionnaires distributed via smartphones FFT + PCA + RBF-SVM/RF/ANN Best performing for PD/DD detection: ANN with ACC = 89%, PREC = 94%, REC = 92%, F1-SCORE = 93%; for PD detection: RBF-SVM with ACC = 79%, PREC = 81%, REC = 89%, F1-SCORE = 85%
Loaiza Duque et al. (2020) [67] Healthy and trembling subjects classification; PD-ET differential diagnosis 19 PD patients, 20 ET patients and 12 healthy controls Angular velocity signals from smartphone built-in triaxial gyroscope with the help of a smartphone application Kinematic features extraction + feature selection based on chi-square and unbiased tree + linear-SVM/LR/DA/NB/DT/ensemble subspace kNN Best performing for trembling patients detection: ensemble subspace kNN with ACC = 97.2%, SENS = 98.5%, SPEC = 93.3%; for PD-ET differential diagnosis: linear-SVM with ACC = 77.8%, SENS = 75.7%, SPEC = 80%
Channa et al. (2021) [83] Classification between PD patients with tremor and PD patients with bradykinesia and healthy controls 10 PD patients with tremor, 10 PD patients with bradykinesia and 20 healthy controls Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from a smart bracelet Butterworth bandpass IIR filter + FFT to extract both time and frequency domain features + feature selection based on ANOVA test + NN-SOMs clustering/kNN Best performing: kNN with ACC = 91.7%, SENS = 83–100%, SPEC = 89–100%
Li et al. (2019) [57] Diagnosis and severity (H&Y scores) estimation 13 PD patients and 12 healthy controls Acceleration and angular velocity signals from a prototype handle for spoons with embedded inertial sensors IIR filtering + windowing + feature extraction + normalization + kNN/Adaboost/RF/linear-SVM for diagnosis; RF regression for severity estimation Best performing for diagnosis: linear-SVM with ACC = 92%, SENS = 92.31%, SPEC = 91.67%, AUROC = 0.98; for severity estimation: MAE = 0.166, r = 0.97
Koçer et al. (2016) [56] Diagnosis and severity (H&Y scores) estimation 35 PD patients and 20 healthy controls Resting tremor acceleration signals from the Nintendo Wii Remote (Wiimote) Windowing + feature extraction (with FFT) + SVM For diagnosis: ACC = 89%, PREC = 91%, REC = 94%; for severity estimation: ACC = 33–77%
Bazgir et al. (2015) [71] Severity estimation (UPDRS scores classification) 52 PD patients Accelerometer and gyroscope data from a smartphone placed at the wrist Filtering + STFT + MLP trained with the back propagation algorithm ACC = 91%, SENS = 89.6%, SPEC = 90.64%
Kim et al. (2018) [72] Severity estimation (UPDRS scores classification) 92 PD patients Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from a wrist-worn device High pass filter + FFT + RF/NB/linear regression/DT/MLP/SVM/CNN Best performing: CNN with ACC = 85%, kappa = 0.85, r = 0.93, RMSE = 0.35
Dai et al. (2021) [73] Severity estimation (MDS-UPDRS scores classification) 42 PD patients and 30 healthy controls Accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetic data from a finger-mounted sensor while measuring rest and postural tremor and during finger tapping Denoising with an IIR bandpass filter + FFT + SVM/RF/kNN Best performing: SVM with ACC = 96–97.33%, SENS = 96.36–100%, SPEC = 95–96.67%
Khodakarami et al. (2019) [74] Severity estimation (UPDRS scores classification) and prediction of response to levodopa (absolute value and percentage) 151 PD patients and 174 healthy controls Signals from the wrist-worn smartwatch of the Parkinson’s Kinectigraph system Feature extraction + JMIM-based feature selection + (+PCA) LR/RBF-SVM/gradient boosting DTs Best performing for severity estimation: LR with AUROC = 0.79–0.88, AUPR = 0.65–0.88; for absolute levodopa response estimation AUROC = 0.92 and AUPR = 0.87; for levodopa response percentage estimation AUROC = 0.82, AUPR = 0.73
Javed et al. (2018) [58] Diagnosis and treatment response index (TRIS) estimation 19 PD patients and 22 healthy controls Accelerometer and gyroscope data from both wrists using SHIMMER3 sensors while performing hand rotation tests before and after the dose administration PCA/stepwise regression/LASSO regression + SVM/linear regression/DT/RF Best performing for diagnosis: stepwise regression + SVM with ACC = 89%; for TRIS estimation: RMSE = 0.69, r = 0.84
Watts et al. (2021) [100] PD patients classification according to their levodopa regimens and response 26 PD patients Bradykinesia and dyskinesia-related signals from Personal KinetiGraph (PKG), demographics and MDS-UPDRS-III scores k-means for clustering based on regimen features + RF for classification based on PKG features, demographics and MDS-UPDRS-III scores ACC = 86.9%, SENS = 86.5%, SPEC = 87.7%, PPV = 95.3%, F1-SCORE = 90.7%, AUROC = 0.871
Pfister et al. (2020) [98] On/Off/Dyskinesia motor states classification 30 PD patients Data from a wrist-worn accelerometer in a free-living environment Data augmentation + CNN/SVM/kNN/RF/MLP Best performing: CNN with ACC = 65.4%, Kohen’s Kappa = 0.47, SENS = 64.45–66.68%, SPEC = 66.72–89.48%, F1-SCORE = 62.4–69.01%, 1vsALL ACC = 66.7–82.56%
Eskofier et al. (2016) [79] Bradykinesia detection 10 PD patients Accelerometer data from IMUs mounted on both hands Timeseries segmentation + AdaBoost/PART/kNN/SVM/CNN-DNN Best performing: DNN
ACC = 90.9%
Shawen et al. (2020) [80] Tremor and bradykinesia detection; severity estimation (UPDRS scores classification) 13 PD patients Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from a flexible skin-mounted sensors and accelerometer signals from a wrist-worn smartwatch Cubic spline interpolation + segmentation + high-pass filtering + time, frequency, entropy, correlation and derivative-based feature extraction + RF For tremor detection: AUROC = 0.68–0.79; for bradykinesia detection: AUROC = 0.61–0.69; for tremor severity estimation: AUROC = 0.67–0.77; for bradykinesia severity estimation: AUROC = 0.59–0.66
San-Segundo et al. (2020) [81] Tremor detection; tremor duration estimation 12 PD patients for laboratory set and 6 PD patients for in-the-wild set Accelerometer signals from wrist-worn sensors Downsampling + FFT + unsupervised non-negative tremor factorization + feature extraction manually/with a CNN + RF/MLP Best performing for tremor detection: CNN + MLP with
AUC = 0.887; for tremor duration estimation: MAE = 4.1–9.1%
Ibrahim et al. (2020) [82] Tremor onset detection 13 PD patients Signals from hand-mounted IMUs while performing 6 different rest, postural and motor tasks Butterworth filtering + zero-phase shifting + Hilbert-Huang Transform + MLP ACC = 92.9%, PREC = 98.7%, REC = 86.7%, SPEC = 98.9%, F1-SCORE = 0.923
Som et al. (2020) [61] Diagnosis 152 healthy subjects for pre-training and 18 PD patients and 16 healthy controls for the final classification Accelerometers signals from a wrist-worn sensor while performing various ADL for the pre-training + accelerometer signals from 6 sensors located at the sternum, the lumbar, both ankles and wrists while walking Zero-centering + normalization + segmentation + feature extraction with pre-trained convolutional AE + PCA/global-average-pool layer + SVM/MLP Best performing: MLP with ACC = 68.64–73.81%, PREC = 69.27–76.53%, REC = 68.64–73.81%, F1-SCORE = 67.65–73.89%
Ricci et al. (2020) [62] Diagnosis 30 newly diagnosed untreated PD patients and 30 healthy controls Acceleration, angular velocity and orientation signals from a network of 14 IMUs distributed in the whole body Feature selection with ReliefF ranking and Kruskal–Wallis + NB/kNN/SVM Best performing: SVM with ACC = 95%, PREC = 95.1%, AUROC = 0.95
De Vos et al. (2020) [69] PD and PSP differential diagnosis 20 PD patients and 21 PSP patients Accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals from 6 IMUs placed on the lumbar spine, the sternum, both wrists and feet ANOVA + LASSO + LR/RF Best performing: RF with ACC = 88%, SENS = 86%, SPEC = 90%
Moon et al. (2020) [68] PD and ET differential diagnosis 524 PD patients and 34 ET patients Balance and gait characteristics from 6 IMUs placed on the lumbar spine, the sternum, both wrists and feet NN/SVM/kNN/DT/RF/LR Best performing: NN with ACC = 89%, PREC = 61%, REC = 61%, F1-SCORE = 61%
Kuhner et al. (2017) [63] Diagnosis; correlation with severity metrics 14 PD patients and 26 healthy controls Fusion of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals from XSens motion capture suit while performing several motor tests RF with probability distributions for classification
PCA for correlation
For diagnosis: ACC = 86–94.6%, SENS up to 91.5% and SPEC up to 97.2%; for correlation between the 1st pc and the UPDRS scores: r = 0.79
Caramia et al. (2018) [64] Diagnosis and severity estimation (H&Y scores classification) 25 PD patients and 25 healthy controls Accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals from 8 IMUs attached to both feet dorsum, thighs, shanks and to the chest and lumbar Extraction of range of motion parameters/spatio-temporal parameters (+PCA) + LDA/NB/kNN/linear-SVM/RBF-SVM/DT + majority voting with equal weights/weights analogue to the individual accuracies Best performing for diagnosis: majority voting with weights analogue to the individual accuracies with ACC = 96%; for severity estimation: RBF-SVM with ACC = 87.75–94.5%
Hssayeni et al. (2021) [76] Severity (UPDRS-III scores) estimation 24 PD patients Angular velocity from one wrist-mounted and one ankle-mounted inertial sensor Gradient tree boosting/dual-channel LSTM with hand-crafted features and with or without transfer learning/1D-CNN-LSTM for raw signals/2D-CNN-LSTM for time-frequency data + ensemble learning Best performing: ensemble of dual-channel LSTM with hand-crafted features and transfer learning, 1D-CNN-LSTM for raw signals and 2D-CNN-LSTM for time-frequency data with r = 0.79, MAE = 5.95
Butt et al. (2020) [77] Severity (MDS-UPDRS III scores) estimation 64 PD patients and 50 healthy controls Gyroscope and geomagnetic data from 4 wrist-mounted IMUs and 1 foot-mounted IMU Kolmogorov–Smirnov test + Mann–Whitney U-test + normalization + CFS/PCA ranker/correlation attribute evaluation/chi-square attribute evaluation/wrapper subset evaluation + SVR/RF/LR/ANFIS Best performing: CFS + ANFIS with r = 0.814, RMSE = 0.101
Mirelman et al. (2021) [75] Severity estimation (H&Y stages classification) 332 PD patients and 100 healthy controls Accelerometer and gyroscope signals from sensors placed on the ankles, the wrists and the lower back while performing various walking tests + demographic data Low-pass Butterworth filter + feature selection based on RF permutation importance/neighborhood component analysis/mRMR + RUSBoost + DT/QDA for weak learner SENS = 72–84%, SPEC = 69–80%, AUROC = 0.76–0.90
Stamate et al. (2018) [78] Identification of failures to follow the UPDRS-III movement protocol 12 PD patients Motor signals from smartphone sensors with the cloudUPDRS application Filtering + frequency transformations + extra tree/Bernoulli NB/Gaussian NB/MLP/RF/Gradient Boosting/Bagging/AdaBoost/RCNN ACC = 78%, F1-SCORE = 82%, AUROC = 0.87
Belgiovine et al. (2018) [99] L-dopa induced dyskinesia detection 18 PD patients Accelerometer and angular velocity data from smartphone placed on the wrist (for upper-limb experiment) or on the hip (for lower-limb experiment) z-score normalization + DT/Gaussian-SVM/linear-SVM Best performing: SVM (with both kernels) with ACC = 65.0–82.0%, MACRO F1-SCORE = 0.65–0.82