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. 2006 Jul 19;2006(3):CD006115. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006115
Study Reason for exclusion
Bourin 1995 In abstract and Patients section, describe 43 patients with demographics and then in study procedure, talk about 60 patients without demographic data; confusing to interpret
Bouvard 1998 Missing data on number in each arm with minimal demographic data available
Caetano 1990 Could not locate this article
Costa e Silva 1987 Could not locate this article
Fontaine 1987 This trial do not present the number of patients within each group for all parameteres studied.
Goldberg 1982 Diagnostic criteria used: DSM II
Lucki 1987 Non‐randomized trial
Olajide 1987 Non‐ramdomized trial; cross‐over allocation
Petracca 1990 Dosing of medications beginning point recorded but only flexible dosing after that and not a final range
Rickels 1982 A formal diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder was not made
Rickels 1988 Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder; results not reported by disorder
Rickels 2000 Non‐randomized trial
Rolland 2000 Minimal demographic data reported and results not reported; dropouts not reported by treatment and results of measured not reported by HAM‐A scores or CGI improved or much improved
Rouillon 1995 Missing reported data as far as drop outs, side effects, and end point HAM‐A scores and SD that can be used in the analysis
Schweizer 1990 Numbers in treatment groups not included
Shah 1991 Unclear randomization
Shen 1999 Not able to locate this article
Sontheimer 2001 No randomization
Sramek 1996 Phase I trial with unclear statistical analysis procedures
Strand 1990 Standardized criteria for GAD not used
Tollefson 1991 This trial includes alcohol abuse/dependency as comorbidies
Tyrer 1984 Data not separated out by diagnoses of GAD
van Amerongen 1991 Not able to locate this article
van Laar 1992  
Wheatley 1982 Criteria used are not standardized acccording DSM / ICD diagnostic criteria.
Yevich 1990 No demographic data and results only repoted by bar graph, dropouts and side effect data not reported