a, Genome browser screenshot of a broken (TA)n (defined from KM12), MSI deletion (derived from a patient sample), and END-seq profile (in WRN-depleted KM12 cells). The sequences around the breakpoints are shown in the inset. b, Junctions associated with six different MSI deletions from patients. Seq1 represents the sequence from −50 bp to left breakpoint and Seq2 represents the sequence from right breakpoint to +50 bp. c, Enrichment of simple repeats, broken and non-broken (TA)n, and long interspersed nuclear element (LINE), short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) and long terminal repeat (LTR) elements at patient deletion breakpoints relative to their overlap with random deletion breakpoints of the same size (enrichment value = 1). B(TA)n–B(TA)n represents cases in which both breakpoints overlap with broken (TA)n repeats; B(TA)n– represents cases in which only one breakpoint overlaps with a broken (TA)n repeat. B(TA)n, broken TA repeat; NB(TA)n, non-broken TA repeat.