Fig. 5.
Detailed changes of cytoskeleton in chondrocytes in response to PDMS substrates with different stiffnesses. a, b Immunofluorescence by CLSM showing the expressions of F-actin in chondrocytes in response to stiff and soft substrates. White arrows indicated formation of microfilaments (F-actin bundle) near the nucleus. Grayscale images were used to indicate the changes of microfilaments in chondrocytes in response to stiff and soft substrates. Cyan boxed areas indicated the differences in microfilament number and length. c Quantitative analysis indicating the changes of microfilament numbers in chondrocytes in response to stiff and soft substrates. d Quantitative analysis indicating the changes of microfilament lengths in chondrocytes in response to stiff and soft substrates. The experiments of F-actin immunofluorescent staining by CLSM are based on at least 20 independent experiments (n = 20). The data in (c) & (d) are shown in the box (from 25%, 50% to 75%) and whisker (minimum to maximum values) plots. All significant data presented in (c) & (d) are based on two-tailed Student’s t-tests.