Fig. 7. α1A adrenoreceptor signaling dynamically reorganizes BLA network states in vivo.
a, b Schematics illustrating in vivo paired intra-BLA drug microinfusion and LFP recording paradigm. c Average spectrogram illustrating normalized power (0–5: low-to-high power) across frequencies over the first 10 min of saline 1, saline 2, and NE treatments. d Mean (±SEM) normalized power across treatments (Saline 1 vs. Saline 2 vs. NE) and frequency bands. Values from first 10 min of each treatment were included for analysis. Two-way ANOVA [treatment x frequency], F(1.659, 11.61) = 5.736, p = 0.0223; Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, 2–6 Hz, p = 0.0319; 6–12 Hz, p = 0.4088; 15–30 Hz, p = 0.5979; 40–70 Hz, p = 0.0784; 70–120 Hz, p = 0.0131. n = 8 mice. #p = 0.0784, *p < 0.05, ns not significant. e Normalized power across time for 2–6 Hz (left), 40–70 Hz (middle), and 70–120 Hz (right). Values averaged into 1-min bins. Colored lines = average power over time, colored shaded areas = SEM. f Average probability density plots illustrating the distribution of gamma powers across treatments for 40–70 Hz (left) and 70–120 Hz (right). Blue/green solid lines = average probability, blue/green-shaded areas = SEM. Vertical lines indicate average threshold value for distribution tails, where threshold = 1 standard deviation above the mean. Paired t-test (two-tailed), saline 2 vs. NE 40–70 Hz distribution tail powers (n = 8 mice, p = 0.0351); saline 2 vs. NE 70–120 Hz distribution tail powers (n = 8 mice, p = 0.0064). g Average spectrogram illustrating normalized power (0–5: low-to-high power) across frequencies over the first 10 min of saline, WB4101, and WB4101 + NE treatments. h Mean (±SEM) normalized power across treatments (Saline vs. WB4101 vs. WB4101 + NE) and frequency bands. Values from first 10 min of each treatment were included for analysis. Two-way ANOVA [treatment × frequency], F(2.294, 16.06) = 1.250, p = 0.3175; Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, 2–6 Hz, p = 0.3855; 6–12 Hz, p = 0.7577; 15–30 Hz, p = 0.5846; 40–70 Hz, p = 0.6894; 70–120 Hz, p = 0.8026. n = 8 mice. ns = not significant. i Normalized power across time for 2–6 Hz (left), 40–70 Hz (middle), and 70–120 Hz (right). Values averaged into 1-min bins. Colored lines = average power over time, colored shaded areas = SEM. j Average probability density plots illustrating the distribution of gamma powers across treatments for 40–70 Hz (left) and 70–120 Hz (right). Blue/red solid lines = average probability, blue/red-shaded areas = SEM. Vertical lines indicate average threshold value for distribution tails, where threshold = 1 standard deviation above the mean. Paired t-test (two-tailed), WB4101 vs. WB4101 + NE 40–70 Hz distribution tail powers (n = 8 mice, p = 0.3792); WB4101 vs. WB4101 + NE 70–120 Hz distribution tail powers (n = 8 mice, p = 0.5200). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.