Fig. 2.
Prolonged lisavanbulin dosing is required to maximize survival gains in combination with two-week radiation course. (A-B) Mice with the indicated orthotopic PDXs were randomized and treated 13 days (GBM6) or 32 days (GBM150) after tumor implantation. Mice were dosed with vehicle, 2 Gy radiation (RT), or 2 Gy RT + once daily lisavanbulin (LIS) Monday through Friday for 2 weeks at which point treatment was ended, and mice were followed until moribund. (C-F) Mice with the indicated orthotopic PDXs were randomized and treated 14 days after tumor implantation. Mice were dosed with vehicle, single agent LIS, radiation (RT), or RT + LIS combination. Radiation was given in 2 Gy fractions Monday through Friday for 2 weeks while LIS dosing was continued until moribund. An additional GBM6 experiment highlighted the importance of LIS timing during RT schedules.