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. 2022 Mar 12;20:126. doi: 10.1186/s12951-022-01315-x

Table 1.

Various advanced prototypes of MSNs conveying therapeutic cargo for various stimuli-responsive delivery

Type of Stimuli Advanced composites Advancement/modifications Morphology Cargo Particle size Targeted site/outcome Refs
pH-responsive V7-RUBY Wormhole pore, Chitosan-coated, and V7 peptide-modified Spherical IR780 dye, paclitaxel, or carboplatin < 40 nm The tumor-specific-targeted release presented improved therapeutic effects against the orthotopic ovarian tumors [258]
LB-MSN-OVA Lipid bilayer-coated over the surface Rectangular Ovalbumin  ~ 200 nm MSNs-encapsulated in microneedle arrays showed exceptional intradermal antigen delivery [260]
CS-PtNPs@Zn-MSNs CS-coated over the MSNs Spherical DOX  ~ 100 nm pH-responsive CS degradation facilitated the convenient delivery of MSNs intracellularly, overcame the MDR, and offered PtNPs-assisted deep tumor penetration [110]
Triple-labeled MSNs YQRLGC-peptide conjugated, PEI/PEG/THPMP Spherical FITC, OG, and RITC  ~ 200 nm These lysosome-targeted nanoprobes enriched the understanding of the fate of MSNs intracellularly [257]
FCA@mSiO2 Fe3O4 coated carbon/silver (FCA) as core and mesoporous silica as shell Core–shell Fe2+, artemisinin  ~ 200 nm Artemisinin-loaded FCA@mSiO2 presented the acid-specific release of Fe2+ ions to non-enzymatically convert artemisinin to toxic species for cancer ablation [430]
Cu-Fe-MSNs Dual metal-impregnated constructs Janus-type DOX  ~ 100 nm Impregnating two similarly-charged metals facilitated shape changes and promoted the ROS-assisted CDT [92]

Multiple surface-modified pH-responsive linkers,

benzoic imine and boronic acid ester

Spherical DOX  ~ 100 nm These PEG-coated, CD-gated, hollow MSNs with cascade pH stimuli cleaving the benzoicimine bonds and boronic acid ester presented excellent intracellular delivery [431]
M-CHO-DOX@DOX-PEG pH-sensitive dynamic benzoic–imine covalent bond as capping Spherical DOX  ~ 160 nm Dynamic PEGylation via benzoic–imine bond further endowed the drug-self-gated nanocarrier with tumor extracellular pH-triggered cell uptake and improved therapeutic efficiency in-vivo [240]
DOX-MSN-CF127 Polymeric micelle (F127-CHO)-gating Spherical Curcumin, DOX  ~ 70 nm Multifunctional stimuli-responsive opening of polymeric micelle cap improved the drug delivery and optical imaging [432]
MSN–R848 Heterobifunctional cross-linker maleimide-PEG-NHS modified and biotin-avidin capped Core–shell R848 and OVAp  ~ 70 nm The nanocomposites with pH-responsive acetal linker presented the release of R848 cargo and offered dendritic cells activation as well as enhanced cytotoxic T-cell responses [256]
MSN-PAA-PEG Optimized degree of polymerization with escalated PAA unit number in PAA-PEG Spherical AZD6244 and PLX4032  < 100 nm The pH-responsive on-demand controlled release from MSNs reversed the MEK-inhibitor-induced suppression of activated CD8 + T-cells and enhanced the secretion of INF-γ and IL-2 [255]

AuNPs-Cys as gatekeepers,

pH-dependent photothermal conversion

Core-satellite DOX  ~ 100 nm Fe-induced AuNPs presented combined photothermal therapy, chemotherapy, and Fenton reaction-based tumor therapy [433]



Spherical cluster bomb DOX  ~ 50 nm The pH-responsive size-changeable constructs presented the CendR pathway and NIR-light-triggered photothermal ablation of 4T1 tumors [434]
Lipid-PEG coated silicasomes Lipid bilayer and PEG-coated constructs for co-administration of anti-PD-1 antibody Silicasome DACHPt ~ 140 nm DACHPt silicasome by anti-PD-1 antibody presented excellent chemotherapy and ICD response in orthotopic Kras-derived pancreatic cancer [262]

PEG and lipid bilayer coat

A linked downstream cascade

Core–shell silicasome IRIN < 100 nm These composites with scale-up features presented improved therapeutic efficacy against robust treatment-resistant Kras-induced pancreatic cancer [263]
USMO@MSNs Ultrasmall manganese oxide-capping over MSNs Core–shell structures DOX  ~ 50 nm The designed nanocomposites presented MRI-guided pH-switching theranostic performance for synchronous MRI diagnosis and chemotherapy [435]
GSH-responsive MSN-S–S-NAC-Trp Disulfide bond and short peptide as capping agents Spherical DOX  ~ 90 nm A bolt-like blocking nanovalve presented GSH-responsive release for HeLa cell apoptosis [291]
DMSN-DP@CM MCF-7 membrane coated Core/shell DNA fuel strands 243 nm GSH-responsive DNA strands in DMSNs posed to Immune escape and homotypic-targeting [364]
MSNs-S–S-siRNA Disulfide capping Spherical DOX and Bcl-2 siRNA 80 nm Synergistic tumor growth inhibition in-vivo showed potential chemotherapy and gene therapy [292]
CDs@MSN-TPP@AuNPs TPP and AuNPs coated over the MSN surface Spherical DOX ~ 40 nm GSH-responsive etching of AuNPs provided effective cancer therapy and mitochondrial-targeted imaging [436]
MSN-ss-ADDA-TCPP Disulfide-based Tat48-60, RGDS, ADDA, peptide-based amphiphile capping Spherical DOX ~ 120 nm Targeting and GSH-responsive delivery of DOX to αvβ3 integrin overexpressed tumor cells [317]
HMSNs TEOS and BTESPD with disulfide linkages Hollow mesoporous shell DOX  ~ 100 nm These constructs resulted in high loading capacity, and GSH-responsive controlled degradation [293]

Fa-PEG coated

Mn2+-doped MSNs

Spherical DHA ~ 100 nm Accumulating PL-PUFA-OOH oxidized by ·OH and destroyed the structure of polyunsaturated fatty acids [437]
Au@MSN@HP NPs HA, HS, and HP glycosaminoglycan modification Core–shell DOX  ~ 100 nm GSH-assisted degradation of the disulfide bond between GAG and MSNs favored precise synergistic chemophotothermal treatment [438]
PDA/MnO2 coated MSNs PDA/MnO2 coating over MSNs Spherical DOX 150–300 nm GSH-assisted transformation of MnO2 to Mn2+ led to the release of drug cargo [439]


NIR-II small molecule and MRI reporter

Fusiform/rod-like MnO2 and CQ4T width- ~ 15 nm, length- ~ 90 nm TME-activated tumor-deep delivery system for dual-mode imaging and self-reinforcing chemodynamic therapy [440]
Ultrasound-responsive PV-MSNs Platelet vesicles-coated over the surface Spheroid CA and IR780 100 nm IR780-based SDT and the CA-based GSH depletion improved cancer ablation [441]
MSN-FA-TAN-MB FA-immobilized over the surface MB TAN ~ 110 nm This multifunctional vehicle showed exceptional ultrasound responsive properties towards tumor targeting and imaging [442]
FITC-labelled MSNs Submicron cavitation nuclei Spherical Rhodamine B Ultrasound-induced inertial cavitation enhanced the extravasation of the nanocarriers [290]
HYBRIDL-PEG-RGD Biotin or RGD peptide coated Spherical DOX ~ 220 nm Ultrasound-responsive random copolymer enhanced cellular uptake and cancer-killing efficacy [443]
MSNs-PEG PEG-coated over surface Spherical Gd(DTPA)2–  ~ 92 nm MRgHIFU stimulated cargo release facilitated by ultrasound-responsive PEG for MRI-guided therapy [444]
MNP@MSNs-AMA-CD Bulky hydrophilic β-CD capping Core–shell DOX  ~ 55 nm HIFU-stimulated cleavage of ACVA C − N bonds facilitated the ultrasound-responsive release [445]
Magnetic-responsive EuSPION@MSNs Polarization anisotropy (r) of two luminescence emission bands Core–shell Néel relaxation as the dominant heating mechanism resulted in understanding hyperthermia-based drug release [296]
SPNC@MSN MnFe2O4@CoFe2O4 core and capped with Phe − Phe − Gly − Gly (N − C) Core–shell Fluorescein or daunorubicin 120 nm Localized magnetic heating presented high cytotoxicity on pancreatic carcinoma cells [295]
MMSNs-PEG PEG and thermoresponsive polymer-coated over the surface Core–shell DOX 160 nm Heated magnetic species in the core facilitated the polymer transition and opening towards drug release from MSNs [446]
Fe3O4-mSiO2 Janus Janus-type Berberine ~ 300 nm The superparamagnetic constructs with high drug-loading amounts, superior endocytic ability, and low cytotoxicity acted against hepatocellular carcinoma [447]
Mag@MSNs Thermo-responsive polymer-coated core–shell MSNs Core–shell Fluorescein 55 nm These core–shell constructs avoided the risk of inducing tumor metastasis generated by hyperthermia [294]

Retro-Diels Alder reaction

DA, Mal, or CD

Sphere Fluorescein 70–80 nm Non-invasive external actuation through alternating magnetic fields improved the drug release [448]
MARS ZnNCs Cucurbit[6]uril Core–shell DOX < 200 nm The non-invasive controlled delivery was achieved after being exposed to the AC field for treating breast cancer cells [449]
Temperature-responsive THI@HMS@P(NIPAAm-MAA) P(NIPAAm-co-MAA)-coated HMSNs Hollow MSNs THI ~ 170 nm The strongly temperature-dependent and distance-limiting mechanism was demonstrated using positive temperature coefficient pesticide [450]
MSNs-MNFs P(NIPAAm-co-HMAAm)-encapsulated with MET-MSNs Spheres in the electrospun nanofibers MET

MSNs- < 100 nm

MNFs-diameter of 420 nm

ON–OFF’ switching of AMF showed excellent heat generation efficacy and subsequent cytotoxicity on B16F10 melanoma cells [451]
MSN-PEG RAFT polymerization of PEG Spherical Sulforhodamine B, PDI 140 nm A temperature-controlled “pumping” mechanism was demonstrated for drug release from mesopores [452]
MSN-thermoresponsive polymer Disulfide-containing cystamine linked thermoresponsive polymer Spherical DOX 50–100 nm UCST polymers coated over the surface presented responsive release against breast cancer cells (SK-BR-3) [283]
Light-responsive Porphyrin capped-MSNs Porphyrin capping Spherical RBP, TOP, or CAL 130 nm Visible radiation-assisted generation of ROS-cleavable linkages allowed the release of TOP [277]
AuNPs-MSNs AuNPs-capping with photoliable linker Spherical PTX 100 nm Low power photoirradiation-assisted cleavage of linkers facilitated the zero premature release for chemotherapy [136]
UCNPs@mSiO2-DPP–CD Strong host–guest interactions between CD and Ad Core–shell–shell DOX and platinum(II) 65 nm Activating the platinum(IV), pro-drug gained higher toxicity effects of platinum(II) [279]
bMSNs-AZO/DS/CD-PMPC AZO isomerization-modified surfaces Core–shell DS 150 nm Light-responsive drug delivery and lubrication enhancement were beneficial for the treatment of osteoarthritis [281]
CuS@MSNs CuS coated with MSN over the surface Core–shell DOX 86.2 nm The carrier presented excellent combined NIR-based PTT and chemotherapy [453]
MSN-linker-azo/Ce6@Cargo@CD CD-gated MSNs Spherical Rhodamine B or calcein  ~ 100 nm Excellent spatiotemporal controllability of red light excitation and the active target ligand FA improved efficacy of PDT and chemotherapy and controlled drug release [278]
MC/IR820-MSNs Thermal-sensitive hydrogel platform MC/IR820 Hybrid hydrogel DOX  ~ 50 nm These versatile photo-responsive hydrogels offered synergistic chemophotothermal treatment of OSCC [454]
FITC-PGSN Polyglycerol-doped MSNs Spherical (Rose bengal, RB) FITC  ~ 100 nm TPA-PDT-assisted MSNs could transfer energy to the loading drugs via an intraparticle FRET mechanism [455]
FA-PEG–coated Ag-NPs-JNPs FA-linked PEG-coated over the surface Janus-type ICG 200–400 nm The effector for photothermal therapy acted as the initiator to activate the chemotherapy [269]
Multi-responsive MSN-S–S-DTPP&DTCPP pH- and GSH-sensitivity Spherical DOX  ~ 120 nm Versatile dual-stimuli-sensitive MSNs could provide an effective strategy for combinational tumor therapy [456]
Serum albumin and myoglobin-gated UCNP@mSiO2 pH, GSH, or H2O2-responsive Core–shell spherical nanostructures with worm-like pores in shells DOX 64 nm These nanocomposites showed spatiotemporally targeted drug delivery for cancer chemotherapy [298]
Dm@TMSN-PEI Redox-enhanced pH-responsive Spherical morphology with wormlike mesostructure DOX and miRNA-145 ~ 183 nm The nanocomposites with affinity to glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), a cell surface protein overexpressed in colorectal carcinoma is developed [297]
MSN-ANA-HFn Redox- and pH-triggered Spherical DOX 100 nm HFn capped MSNs provided TfR1 targeting on suppression of tumor growth [299]

pH- and redox-dual-responsive


Rectangular DOX  ~ 125 nm RGDFFFFC-assisted targeting, benzoic-imine bond-based pH-responsive, and di-sulfide cleavage-based redox-responsive enhanced the tumor-targeting efficacy [457]

Thermal- and pH-responsive


Spherical EVO and BBR  ~ 160 nm These composites with dual drugs provided excellent therapeutic effects against EMT-6 mouse mammary carcinoma tumor allograft [261]
MSNs@PDA@keratin pH and GSH dual responsive Keratin as capping Spherical/ellipsoidal DOX  ~ 100 nm These composites selectively showed higher toxicity against A549 cells than normal cells [301]
MSN-SS-PDA Redox/pH/NIR-multi-dependent, Disulfide linked PDA-coating Spherical DOX  ~ 130 nm These composites exhibited excellent photo-thermal conversion ability, multi-stimuli responsive drug release, chemo/photothermal synergistic therapy effect [458]

pH- and redox-responsive


Sphere with highly ordered honeycomb channels DOX ~ 100 nm The composites with dual-responsiveness provided CD44 over-expressed cancer cell targeting effects [300]

GSH- and NIR-triggered


Ellipsoid DOX ~ 250 nm A combination of chemotherapy and photothermal therapy toward A549 cells [302]

β-CD: β-Cyclodextrin; ACVA: 4,4′-Azobis(4-cyanovaleric acid); AD- 1-Adamantanemethylamine; ADDA-TCPP: C12-CGRKKRRQRRRPPQRGDS; AMA: 1-Adamantylamine; AuNPs-Cys: L‐Cysteine‐derivatized gold nanoparticles; AZO: Azobenzene; BBR: Berberine; BFO: Bismuth ferrite; BTESPD: Bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl] disulfide; CA: Cinnamaldehyde; CAL: Calcein; CDs: Carbon nanodots; Ce6: Chlorin e6; CendR: Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1)-dependent endocytic/exocytic transport; CM: Coumarin; CS-PtNPs@Zn-MSNs: Chitosan-Platinum nanoparticles coated Zinc-doped MSNs; CuS: Copper sulfide; Cu-Fe-MSNs Copper and iron-doped MSNs; DACHPt: Activated oxaliplatin (1,2-diamminocyclohexane platinum(II); DHA: Dihydroartemisinin; DMSNs-dendritic MSNs; DOX: Doxorubicin; DS: Diclofenac sodium; EVO: Evodiamine; EuSPION: Europium-doped superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle; FA: Folate; FaPEG: Folate-grafted PEG; FCA-Fe3O4 coated carbon/silver; FITC: Fluorescein isothiocyanate; FRET: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer; Gd(DTPA)2–: Gadopentetate dimeglumine; GSH -glutathione; HA: Hyaluronic acid; HAp: Hydroxyapatite; Hfn: Human H chain ferritin; HMAAm: N-hydroxymethylacrylamide; HMSiO2 /HMSNs/HMS: Hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles; HNPs: harmonic nanoparticles; HP: Heparin; HS: Heparin sulfate; HYBRID: Hybrid mesoporous silica nanocarrier; IBU: Ibuprofen; ICG: Indocyanine green; INF-Interferon; IL-Interleukin; JNPs: Janus-type MSNs; LB-MSN-OVA: Lipid bilayer-MSN-ovalbumin; MA: Methacrylic acid; Mal: Maleimidopropyl triethoxysilane 1; MARS: Magnetically activated release system; MB: Microbubble; MC: Methylcellulose; MET: Metformin; miRNA: MicroRNA; MMSNs: Manganese-doped MSNs; MNFs: Magnetic nanofibers; MNPs: MnFe2O4@CoFe2O4 nanoparticles; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; MRgHIFU: MRI-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound; mSiO2-mesoporous silica; MSNs- mesoporous silica nanoparticles; MSN-POLY: RAFT polymerization on the surface of MSNs; NIPAAm: N-isopropylacrylamide; OG: Oregon green; OSCC: Oral squamous cell carcinoma; OVAp: Ovalbumin; PAA: Polyacrylic acid; PDA: Polydopamine; PEG: Polyethylene glycol; PEI: Polyethylenimine; PGSN: Polyglycerol-doped MSNs; PL-PUFA-OOH: Lipid peroxides; PMPC: Poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine); p(NIPAAm-co-MA) : Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid); PV: Platelet membrane vesicle; NAC: N-acetyl-l-cysteine; SDT: Sonodynamic therapy; siRNA: Small interfering RNA; SPNC: Superparamagnetic nanoparticle cores; TAN: Tanshinone IIA; TEOS: Tetraethyl orthosilicate; TfR1: Transferrin receptor 1; THI: Thiamethoxam; THPMP: 3-trihydroxysilyl propylmethylphosphonate; TOP: Topotecan; TPA-PDT: Two-photon activated-photodynamic therapy; TPP: Triphenylphosphine; Trp: Tryptophan; pDNA: Plasmid DNA; PV-coated MSNs: Platelet vesicles-coated MSNs; RB: Rose bengal; RBP: [Ru(bipy)3]Cl2; RITC: Rhodamine B isothiocyanate; ROS: reactive oxygen species; UCNPs: Upconversion nanoparticles; USMO: Ultrasmall manganese oxide; V7-RUBY: Wormhole mesoporous silica nanoparticles; YQRLGC: lysosomal sorting peptides; WS2-HP: Tungsten disulfide quantum dots; ZnNCs: Zinc-doped iron oxide nanocrystals