Table 1.
Fasting plasma glucose and insulin, body weight gain, fat pad mass, and pancreas weight in Glp1r+/+ mice injected with vehicle (VEH) or streptozotocin (STZ) and fed HFD alone (control, CTL) or HFD supplemented with sacubitril (SAC) for 8 wk
Fasting plasma glucose, mg/dL | 258.7 ± 8.43 | 345.6 ± 22.01* | 298.8 ± 22.1# | 0.0007 |
Fasting plasma insulin, pmol/L | 509.4 ± 71.13 | 349.1 ± 51.06 | 305.8 ± 35.40 | 0.0291 |
Body weight gain, g | 14.45 ± 1.25 | 10.92 ± 0.85* | 10.46 ± 0.91 | 0.0181 |
Inguinal fat pad mass, g | 1.91 ± 0.19 | 1.59 ± 0.17 | 1.40 ± 1.17 | 0.1581 |
Epididymal fat pad mass, g | 0.236 ± 0.027 | 0.207 ± 0.020 | 0.175 ± 0.018 | 0.1598 |
Pancreas weight, g | 0.298 ± 0.015 | 0.303 ± 0.015 | 0.319 ± 0.024 | 0.7173 |
Data are expressed as means ± SE. One-way ANOVA was performed to determine whether the means were significantly different across the three groups of mice and the overall P value is displayed in the far right column. If ANOVA P < 0.05, Dunnet’s multiple comparisons were performed and are displayed as followed: *P < 0.05 vs. STZ-CTL vs. VEH-CTL; #STZ-SAC vs. STZ-CTL. CTL, control; HFD: high-fat diet; SAC, sacubitril; STZ, streptozotocin; VEH, vehicle.