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. 2022 Mar 13;60:103739. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2022.103739

Table 1.

Clinical Characteristics of 29 Patients with Central Nervous System Demyelination following SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination.

No Age (years) / Gender Presenting Complaints Total Duration of Illness Type of Vaccine/ Dosing Duration between the dose and first neurological symptom Examination finding Investigations Treatment Diagnosis
1. 29/F Headache, Rt eye blurring of vision 15 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 11 days Rt: eye RAPD, VA – Rt: hand movement close to face; Lt - 6/6 CSF: 0 cells, P:18 mg/dl, G: 61 mg/dl Serum and CSF OCB absent ANA, ANCA, RA factor, CRP -negative Serum MOG- positive VEP: Rt - absent waveform, Lt – normal MRI brain: T2 /FLAIR hyperintensity of long intraorbital segment of Rt optic nerve with contrast enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days 1 cycle of LVPP T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD followed by tapering doses MOG-antibody –associated Rt Optic neuritis
2. 26/F Bl calf pain, backache, Bl LL weakness & decreased sensation below D6 level 11 days BBV152 / 1st dose 11 days Quadriparesis with paradoxical breathing, Power- Bilateral upper limb between MRC grade 2–3, lower limb MRC grade 0, decreased sensation below D6, DTRs- 2+ in upper limb, absent in lower limb, plantars equivocal CSF: 207 cells -polymorphic predominant, P: 95.8 mg/dl, G: 50 mg/dl, ANA profile- PCNA strongly positive; CRP – positive ANCA, RA factor -negative Serum NMO-MOG - negative SSEP- absent waveforms, MRI: Long segment T2/FLAIR hyperintensity from C2- L1 with post contrast enhancement, axial section showing H-shaped involvement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days 5 cycles of LVPP T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD followed by tapering doses Acute Transverse myelitis - LETM
3. 54/F Progressive quadriparesis followed by altered sensorium 1 month 12 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days Drowsy, not opening eyes, bl UL flexion posturing, quadriparesis with 2/5 power in UL and 0/5 power in LL. CSF: 8 cells- lymphocytic predominant, P:77 mg/dl, G:98 mg/dl ANA, ANCA, CRP -negative Serum NMO-MOG- negative MRI brain: T2/FLAIR hyperintensities in the corpus callosum, bl periventricular and subcortical white matter, infratentorial region with patchy contrast enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days 5 cycles of LVPP Inj. Iv Ig 100 g T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD followed by tapering doses ADEM
4. 44/M Imbalance on walking, hiccups, vomiting, urinary retention, double vision 12 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 7 days Lt VA: 6/9, Rt – 6/6. spastic quadriparesis, bilateral cerebellar signs in UL CSF: 130 cells- lymphocytic predominant, P: 38 mg/dl, G: 63 mg/dl, ANA, ANCA -negative Serum and CSF MOG- Strongly positive, MRI: T2 hyperintensities in the cervical and dorsal cord and conus Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days 5 cycles of LVPP T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD MOG-antibody –associated – LETM
5. 50/F Bl feet paraesthesias with LL weakness. 3 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 28 days Bl finger extensor weakness, Lt LL decreased distal vibration sense with spasticity in Bl LL CSF: 2 cells - lymphocytic predominant, P:28 mg/dl, G:87 mg/dl ANA profile- PCNA weakly positive ANCA -negative, Serum NMO-MOG -negative, NCS –normal MRI Spine: focal cervical syrinx (C7-T1). demyelination across C6 I/V MP-5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD T. Amitriptyline 25 mg OD Acute Transverse myelitis
6. 39/M Rt eye pain followed by blurring of vision 20 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days RT eye-RAPD, Rt VA: Finger counting at 2 m Visual field- right inferonasal quadrant involvement ANA, ANCA, APLA -negative, Serum MOG- positive, VEP- bl prolonged (Right-132 ms, left-115 ms) MRI: T2 /FLAIR hyperintensity of long intraorbital segment of Rt optic nerve with contrast enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD MOG-antibody –associated Rt Optic neuritis
7. 54/M Left eye blurring of vision 3 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days VA: Bl 6/12, Lt eye RAPD present, Rt eye-normal pupillary reaction. ANA profile anti Jo1 −1+ positive, ANCA,VDRL-negative, VEP: Rt- 127 ms, Lt-absent waveform Serum MOG –Strongly positive MRI brain and spine: T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in Rt pons Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD MOG associated optic neuritis
8. 34/M Rt eye blurring of vision 2 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 1 day Rt eye- non reactive pupil, VA-perception of light present, Lt eye VA −6 /18 CSF: 2 cells – lymphocyte, P: 26 mg/dl, G: 65 mg/dl ANA profile, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative Serum and CSF NMO-MOG – negative VEP- absent waveform on Rt side MRI: Rt optic nerve tortuosity with prominent perioptic sheath and fat stranding Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD Rt eye optic neuritis
9. 35/F Progressive paraparesis followed by altered sensorium 8 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 9 days Conscious, confused, VA: Bl 6/9, Bl LL paraparesis with power 1/5, DTRs- 3+ in upper limb, 2+ in lower limb, plantars- left extensor, right equivocal CSF: 58 cells -lymphocytes P: 47.4 mg/dl, G: 106 mg/dl CRP- positive ANA profile, ANCA, VDRL, RA factor-negative Serum MOG-positive VEP, BERA, SSEP – normal MRI: T2/FLAIR hyperintensities in mid brain, pons, left MCP, bl posterior internal capsule, thalamus, bl centrum semiovale and LETM from cervical cord to conus Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD MOG-antibody –associated ADEM
10. 20/F Double vision 2 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 3 days VA: Bl 6/6, Rt eye adduction restriction, Lt eye restriction in all gazes, fundus normal CRP- Negative, ANA profile, ANCA -negative Serum NMO-MOG – negative MRI brain: Multiple discrete T2/FLAIR hyperintensities in pericallosal, callososeptal, periventricular, and fronto parietal regions Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD Brainstem syndrome
11. 31/M Bladder disturbances followed by progressive numbness of whole body and LL weakness 5 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days Lower limb spasticity, paraparesis with power 1/5, decreased sensations by 70% below L1, plantars extensor, UL DTRs-3+ and LL 2+ CSF: 370 cells - polymorphic predominant, P: 174 mg/dl, G: 168 mg/dl ANA profile, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative Serum and CSF NMO-MOG – negative VEP and BERA- normal, SSEP of Lt. LL prolonged (55.9 ms) MRI: long segment cervico-dorsal T2/FLAIR hyperintensity with subtle enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD 7 cycles of LVPP Inj. Rituximab 1 gm (1st dose) Acute Transverse myelitis - LETM
12. 20/F Rt UL paraesthesias followed by paraparesis & altered sensorium 2 days BBV152 / 1st dose 1 day VA: Bl 6/6. LL proximal weakness (3/5), distal 4/5, DTRs- 3+, Rt LL −50% decreased sensation, Plantars Equivocal CSF: 8 cells - lymphocytic predominant,P:24.9 mg/dl, G:61 mg/dl ANA profile, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP -negative Serum and CSF NMO-MOG negative, CSF OCB – Positive VEP, BERA, SSEP- normal MRI: few juxtacortical and short segment cervical T2/FLAIR hyperintensity at C5 level with subtle enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD 5 cycles of LVPP ADEM
13. 45/F Bilateral (Rt followed by Lt) eye blurring of vision 6 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 21 days VA: Rt 6/12, Lt hand movement perception, Lt RAPD present, Rt eye-normal pupillary reaction, Lt upper limb spasticity and extensor plantar CSF: 2 cells - lymphocytic predominant, P: 52.3 mg/dl, G: 95 mg/dl CSF OCB- positive ANA profile, ANCA, RA factor, CRP-negative Serum MOG panel- strongly positive VEP: Bl waveform absent, BERA AND SSEP-Normal MRI brain and spine-T2/FLAIR short segment hyperintensity with enhancement of bilateral optic nerves, Rt optic nerve tortuous Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD 3 cycles of LVPP MOG associated optic neuritis
14. 33/F Fever, vomiting followed by altered sensorium and persistent paraesthesias below mid thoracic level 4 weeks ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days VA: Rt 6/12, Lt 6/9, Bl normal pupillary reaction, no other focal deficits CSF: 105 cells - lymphocytic predominant, P: 28.12 mg/dl, G: 70.4 mg/dl Serum MOG –Strongly positive MRI brain: T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in Bl fronto parietal region, no enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD Inj. Acyclovir 500 mg TID (treated outside) MOG- associated ADEM
15. 53/F Bl LL numbness, tingling paraesthesias & urinary disturbances 12 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 1 day Tone and Power normal, Touch and pain sensation reduced by 75% below T4, Vibration sense reduced upto T4, plantars Bl equivocal, DTRs-UL 2+ and LL 3+ CSF: 6 cells - lymphocytic predominant, P: 54.2 mg/dl, G: 77 mg/dl ANA, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative ACE- 31.4 U/L Paraneoplastic panel:Anti – recoverin 2+ VEP-prolonged bl 123 ms, BERA, SSEP -normal Serum NMO MOG –negative MRI brain and spine: T2/FLAIR hyperintensity at Bl subcortical, periventricular deep white matter, insula, cerebellar hemispheres, brainstem, short segment expansile T2 hyperintensities are noted at C5,6,7 & D6–7 levels Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD Acute Transverse myelitis – LETM
16. 38/M Giddiness, double vision, imbalance while walking, right eye blurring of vision followed by headache 20 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 6 days VA:Rt 6/9, Lt 6/6, Bl normal pupillary reaction, Bl gaze evoked horizontal and torsional nystagmus, DTRs: 3+, plantars Bl extensor. CSF: 6 CELLS; P: 67.8 mg/dl, G: 81 mg/dl ANA, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative ACE- 20.7 U/L VEP-prolonged, BERA, SSEP -normal Serum NMO MOG –negative MRI brain and spine: T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in left MCP, right corona radiate with no contrast enhancement Inj. MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD CNS demyelination
17 30/M Sequential blurring of vison in both eyes 11 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 14 days VA: Rt eye-absent perception of light, Lt eye-2/60 Fundi: Bl Disc oedema CSF: 4 cells – 50% lymphocytes, P:26.8 mg/dl, G:108 mg/dl, OCBs-positive ANA profile and ANCA -negative, Serum NMO-MOG -negative, VEP-Bl not recordable, BERA and SSEP-Normal MRI brain: subcortical hyperintense foci in Bl cerebral hemispheres MRI Optic nerves:Right>left intraneural hyperintensities in intraorbital segments Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days 5 cycles of LVPP Inj Rituximab Bilateral optic neuritis
18 30/F Paraesthesias over both palms followed by development of girdle like sensation over waist and electric shock like sensation on flexion of neck 90 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 15 days VA-6/6 Bl, Cranial nerves and motor examination-normal Sensory examination-40% decreased sensation to touch over both palms, Romberg's-negative CSF: 4 cells,P-36 mg/dl, G: 60 mg/dl, OCB positive CRP-positive,ESR-68 mm/hr ANA, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor-negative, Vitamin B12, homocysteine-normal, ACE- 24.2 U/L Evoked potentials -normal Serum NMO MOG –negative MRI brain and spine: single focus of T2/flair hyperintensity in selenium of corpus callosum, short segment hyperintensity in cervical cord along C3. Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days 3 cycles of LVPP T. MMF (1.5 gm/day) ATM - Cervical cord demyelination
19 36/M Bl LL tingling and paraesthesias followed by development of motor weakness and urinary disturbances 20 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19/2nd dose 32 days VA: Rt (aphakia): PL present, left: 6/9. Cranial nerves-normal Upper limbs: motor and sensory examination-normal Lower limbs: hypotonia, power: hip joint: Bl 1/5, Knee joint: Bl 0/5, Ankle joint: Bl 1/5, DTRs;absent in lower limbs. Sensory level at D4 CSF: 720 cells – 80% lymphocytes P: 144.4 mg/dl, G: 50 mg/dl ANA, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative, ACE- 60.9 U/L Serum NMO-negative Serum MOG-Strongly positive MRI brain: hyperintensities along bilateral trigeminal nerves in pons MRI spine: long segment spinal cord involvement from obex till conus Inj MP 1 gm x 7 days 5 cycles of LVPP MOG associated LETM
20 27/F Ill-defined pain followed by weakness in left upper and lower limb, followed by right lower limb involvement, requiring a person support to walk 26 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 8 days VA-6/6 Bl, Cranial nerves -normal Motor examination- grade I spasticity in left upper limb, mild pronator drift, DTRs brisk. Sensory examination-normal CSF: clear, P: 27.7 mg/dl, G: 62 mg/dl ANA, ANCA,VDRL, RA factor, CRP-negative, ACE-normal EPs- Normal Serum NMO and MOG-negative MRI brain: multifocal discrete hyperintense T2/flair lesions in Bl periventricular white matter with few lesions showing peripheral diffusion restriction and contrast enhancement. MRI spine-normal Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD CNS demyelination
21 60/M Acute onset tingling paraesthesias and motor weakness in left upper and lower limb, followed by behavioural and memory disturbances 34 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 14 days MMSE-27/30 Cranial nerves-VA:R-6/6, l- 6/9, nystagmus present Motor system-Power: normal,DTRs-brisk CSF: 9 cells – 90% lymphocytes, P:68.3 mg/dl, G:132 mg/dl, OCBs-negative ANA,ANCA,B12,Homocysteine,VDRL-negative,ACE-normal Serum NMO and MOG -negative, VEP-normal MRI brain: multiple focal lesions in right pons, midbrain, medial temporal lobes, splenium of corpus callosum, high parietal lobe with tumefaction and peripheral enhancement Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD T. MMF(1 gm) ADEM
22 23/F Burning paraesthesias in right palm associated with numbness and motor weakness followed by burning sensation in right foot over next 7 days 41 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 7 days VA-6/6 Bl Cranial nerves-normal Motor system-normal Sensory system-decreased vibration along distal right upper and lower limb joints CRP- 23 mg/dl ANA-negative Serum NMO and MOG-negative CSF-OCB negative MRI brain-T2/flair hyperintensities adjacent to right frontal horn, ependymal margins of bilateral lateral ventricles MRI spine-short segment hyperintensities at C2-C3,C5,D4 Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 40 mg OD Cervical cord myelopathy
23 40/M Blurring of vision from left eye followed by acute urinary retention and right eye vision loss 77 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 10 days VA- 6/18 Bl Cranial, motor and sensory examination-normal CSF: 8 cells – 100% lymphocytes, P:32 mg/dl, G:68 mg/dl,OCB-positive ANA,ANCA,VDRL -negative, Serum MOG -positive MRI brain: T2 Hyperintensities in pons, bilateral thalami, right frontal cortex MRI spine-longitudinally extensive myelitis from C4-D3 Inj MP 1 gm x 5 days T. Prednisolone 60 mg OD T. MMF (2 gm) MOG associated Opticomyelopathy
24 45/M H/o fever accompanied by urinary retention and difficulty in walking progressing to altered sensorium 5 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 10 days VA-6/6 BL Cranial nerves-normal Motor system-Tone and power normal in upper limbs LL-hypotonia, grade-0 power with hyporeflexia, plantars mute CSF: 44 cells – 44% lymphocytes, P:90.9 mg/dl, G:68 mg/dl, rabies CSF PCR-Negative VEP-l-141,R-129,BERA-normal, N20-normal, P37–40(mildly prolonged), ANA-U1RNP-1+,C-ANCA-, Serum MOG – strongly positive S.NMO—Negative MRI of brain and spine-hyperintensities in brainstem, cervicodorsal cord and supratentorial regions with central cord swelling INJ MP-5 days, LVPP 3 CYCLES TAB WYSOLONE 40 MG TAB MMF 1.5 GM MOG-ADEM
25 34/F H/o recurrent vomiting and hiccups progressing to imbalance while walking 60 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 36 days Cranial nerves: Right gaze evoked nystagmus, rest normal Motor examination::Tone and power normal, DTRs brisk BL Sensory examination: pseudoathetosis Left>Right,, Romberg's positive, Tandem gait impaired CSF-1 cell,P-15,3 mg/dl,−63 mg/dl,OCB Negative ESR-46 mm/hr Serum NMO-weakly positive Serum MOG-negative ANA:Ro-52 1+,ANCA-negative MRI brain:T2 hyperintensity in dorsal aspect of medulla I/V MP-5 days LVPP-3 cycles Tab Wysolone 40 mg Inj Rituximab Area postrema syndrome - Aquaporin 4 positive NMO
26 31/M H/o progressive upper and lower limb tingling f/b difficulty in walking, urinary urgency, and constipation 17 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 42 days Cranial nerves-normal UL motor examination-normal, LL power-4/5,brisk DTRs, extensor plantars Sensory level at T4 CSF: 32 cells – 100% lymphocytes, P:49.2 mg/dl, G:74 mg/dl ANA,ANCA,VDRL -negative, Serum NMO and MOG -negative MRI brain: T2 Hyperintensities in cervicomedullary junction, right frontal subcortical region MRI spine-cervical cord HI C2-C5,also in dorsal cord I/V MP-5 days LVPP-4 cycles Tab Wysolone 40 mg Tab MMF 1.5 gm ATM – acute transverse myelitis
27 52/F H/o progressive slurring of speech with right upper limb and lower limb weakness, followed by appearance of swallowing difficulty 51 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 35 days Spastic anarthria+ Gaze restricted left>right Right facial weakness Motor examination-hypotonic right upper and lower limb with 0/5 power, left sided power-5/5,BL DTRs brisk and plantars extensor CSF-2 CELLS,P-40.5 mg/dl,G-56 mg/dl ESR-18,CRP-POSITIVE ANA,ANCA-Negative, VDRL-Negative S.NMO and MOG-Negative MRI brain:tumefactive demyelination in left frontal hemisphere with insular involvement along with left more than right midbrain involvement I/V MP-5 days LVPP-4 cycles Tab Wysolone 40 mg Inj Rituximab ADEM - Tumefactive demyelination
28 65/F H/o urinary retention followed by numbness and weakness of both hands and blurring of vision of right eye 30 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 1st dose 42 days V/A-R- hand movements close to face,L-6/18 UL: motor examination normal LL: Power-0/5 DTRs absent in LL Sensory level:T6 CSF-17 CELLS,P-49 mg/dl,G-59 mg/dl ESR-97 ANA,ANCA-Negative, VDRL-Negative S.NMO-Strongly positive S.MOG-Negative VEP-R-Not recordable, l-Normal SSEP-LL absent MRI brain: few hyperintensities in frontal subcortical white matter MRI Spine: D2-D11 hyperintensity with patchy contrast enhancement and bright spotty areas LVPP – 3 cycles I/V MP-5 days Tab Wysolone 40 mg Tab MMF 1.5 gm LETM - Aquaporin 4 positive NMO
29 20/F H/o tingling in tips of right hand followed by progressive imbalance while walking 24 days ChAdOx1 nCoV- 19 / 2nd dose 39 days V/A-6/6 BL Motor examination: Tone increased in right upper limb and lower limb Power - 5/5 in all 4 limbs DTRs: normal Plantar right extensor and left flexor Sensory system- Pain and touch decreased by 10 percent in right upper and lower limb JPS normal Vibration normal Romberg positive Gait ataxic CSF- 4 CELLS,P-23 mg/dl,G-111 mg/dl,CSF- OCB+ ANA-,ANCA-,CRP-13 mg/dl,,EBV-IGG+ S.NMO and MOG-Negative MRI brain: hyperintensities in BL juxtacortical, subcortical, periventricular white matter, anterior temporal lobes as well as infratentorial regions including pons, MCP and medulla MRI Spine: short segment lesions in cervical and dorsal spine I/V MP-5 days Tab Wysolone 40 mg Inj Rituximab Cervical myelopathy - MS

Abbreviations: No: number; F: female; Rt: right; RAPD: Relative afferent pupillary defect; VA: visual acuity; Lt: left; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; P: protein; mg/dl= milligrams per decilitres; G: glucose; ANA: antinuclear antibodies; ANCA: antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; RA: rheumatoid factor; CRP: C -reactive protein; MOG: myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; OCB: oligoclonal band; VEP: visual evoked potential; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; T2/ FLAIR: T2 weighted/ Fluid- attenuated inversion recovery; Inj.: Injection; MP: Methylprednisolone; LVPP: large volume plasmapheresis; T: tablet; OD: omne in die; once daily; Bl: bilateral; LL: lower limbs; D: Dorsal cord level; MRC: Medical research council; DTRs: deep tendon reflexes; PCNA: proliferating cell nuclear antigen; NMO: Neuromyelitis optica; SSEP: somatosensory evoked potential; C: cervical cord level; L: lumbar cord level; LETM: longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis; UL: upper limbs; Iv Ig: Intravenous immunoglobulin; ADEM: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; M: male; NCS: nerve conduction studies; APLA: Antiphospholipid antibodies; ms: milliseconds; VDRL: venereal disease research laboratory test; BERA: Brain Evoked Response Auditory; MCP: middle cerebellar peduncles: TID: ter in die; thrice daily; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; BD: bis in die twice daily; MS: Multiple Sclerosis.