Table 1.
Sleep facet measurement
Dimension | Domain | Assessment | Cut point |
Regularity | Consistency of sleep duration | Difference between workday sleep duration and non-workday sleep duration |
Irregular: absolute value > 60 minutes; Regular: absolute value ≤ 60 minutes |
Satisfaction | Please indicate how often you experience each of the following: |
Dissatisfied: sometimes, often, or almost always (on at least 1 of the 4 items) Satisfied: rarely or never (on all 4 items) |
Trouble falling asleep | Have trouble falling asleep. | ||
Nocturnal awakenings | Wake up during the night and have difficulty going back to sleep. | ||
Early awakenings | Wake up too early in the morning and be unable to get back to sleep. | ||
Unrested upon waking | Feel unrested during the day, no matter how many hours of sleep you had. | ||
Alertness | Nap frequency | During a usual week, how many times do you nap for 5 minutes or more? |
Many naps: > 2 Few naps: ≤ 2 |
Efficiency | Sleep latency | How long does it usually take you to fall asleep at bedtime? |
Inefficient: > 30 minutes Efficient: ≤ 30 minutes |
Duration | Workday sleep duration | How much sleep do you usually get at night (or in your main sleep period) on weekdays or workdays? |
Suboptimal duration: ≤ 6 or ≥ 9 Optimal duration: > 6 & < 9 |
To conduct supplementary clustering analyses (i.e., LCA), the continuous sleep characteristics were dichotomized to reflect desirable and undesirable categories for each. These values were then used as indicators in LCA.