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. 2022 Mar 9;10(3):23259671221079338. doi: 10.1177/23259671221079338


Primary Outcome Descriptive Data and MRI Diagnostic Performance a

Any Meniscal Tear
(n = 252)
No Meniscal Tear
(n = 154)
Lateral Meniscus Tear
(n = 198)
Medial Meniscal Tear
(n = 113)
Age, y, mean ± SD 16.1 ± 1.5 15.7 ± 1.5 16.1 ± 1.4 16.1 ± 1.6
Female sex    117 (46.4)     98 (63.6)     82 (41.4)     64 (56.6)
Obese 41/236 (17.4) 25/154 (16.2) 29/187 (15.5) 21/104 (20.2)
Hospital A patients    113 (44.8)    144 (93.5)     95 (48.0)     33 (29.2)
Hospital B patients    139 (55.2)    10 (6.5)    103 (52.0)     80 (70.8)
MRI diagnostic performance
 True positive, n 189 101 94
 False negative, n 63 97 19
 False positive, n 43 28 57
 True negative, n 111 180 236
 Sensitivity, % 75.0 51.0 83.2
 Specificity, % 72.1 86.5 80.6
 PPV, % 81.5 78.3 62.3
 NPV, % 63.8 65.0 92.5

a Data are reported as n (%) unless otherwise indicated. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value. Dashes indicate not applicable.