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. 2022 Mar 14;8(1):00591-2021. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00591-2021


Subgroup analyses for pooled analyses of survival by various time periods

Baseline analyses Sensitivity analyses#
n CSRs (95% CI) I2 (%) n CSRs (95% CI) I2 (%)
3-year CSRs
 Overall 59 61.8 (58.7–64.9) 97.1 56 61.9 (58.7–65.1) 97.2
 Before 2010 41 59.9 (55.8–64.1) 95.8 41 59.9 (55.8–64.1) 95.8
 2010s 18 66.2 (58.7–64.9) 92.6 15 67.4 (63.9–70.9) 93.1
 Test for difference p=0.067 p=0.039
5-year CSRs
 Overall 50 45.6 (41.5–49.7) 97.7 47 45.9 (41.6–50.1) 97.8
 Before 2010 36 44.1 (39.9–48.3) 93.7 36 44.1 (39.9–48.3) 93.7
 2010s 14 49.3 (42.7–49.7) 97.7 11 51.4 (44.1–58.7) 93.9
 Test for difference p=0.203 p=0.106

I2 >50% represents high between-studies heterogeneity. CSRs: cumulative survival rates; n: number of included studies. #: exclusion of three studies in which no patients received antifibrotics after year 2010; : test for difference between subgroups (before 2010 versus 2010s).