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. 2022 Mar 11;12(3):529–535. doi: 10.1177/19418744221079447

Table 1.

This table depicts all of the laboratory testing obtained during the patient's hospital stay.

Laboratory test Value Normal range
Serum Chemistry
 Sodium 139 136-144 mmol/L
 Potassium 3.5 (L) 3.6-5.1 mmol/L
 Chloride 106 101-111 mmol/L
 Carbon dioxide 27 22-32 mmol/L
 Blood urea nitrogen 12 8-20 mg/dL
 Glucose 104 (H) 65-99 mg/dL
 Calcium 8.9 8.4-10.2 mg/dL
 Creatinine 1.17 .60-1.30 mg/dL
 Total protein 8.3 (H) 6.1-7.9 g/dL
 Albumin 4.2 3.5-5.4 g/dL
 Total bilirubin 1.7 (H) .2-1.0 mg/dL
 Albumin 4.2 3.5-5.4 g/dL
 Lactate dehydrogenase 4671 (H) 313-618 unit/L
 Alkaline phosphatase 52 38-126 52 unit/L
 Aspartate aminotransferase 74 (H) 15-41 unit/L
 Alanine transaminase 34 5-35 unit/L
 Magnesium a 1.6 (L) 1.8-2.4 mg/dL
 Phosphorous a 4.9 3.1-5.6 mg/dL
 Procalcitonin a .13 (L) .50-2.00 ng/dL
 Creatine kinase a 222 (H) 55-170 unit/L
 Ammonia <9 (L) 11-35 mcmol/L
 Iron 189 (H) 28.0-170.0 mcg/dL
 Total iron binding capacity 395 (H) 162-344 mcg/dL
 Ferritin 444.00 (H) 6.00-137.00 ng/mL
 Transferrin 265 206-381 mg/dL
 Free T3 a 1.68 (L) 2.18-3.98 pg/mL
 Thyroid stimulating hormone a .868 .358-3.740 mclU/mL
 Free T4 a 1.16 .80-2.00 ng/dL
 Hemoglobin A1C a 4.1% ≤5.6%
 Pregnancy Negative N/A
 Acetaminophen level a 11.0 (H) ≤10.0 mcg/mL
 Salicylate a <1.0 (L) 10.0-30.0 mg/dL
 Ethyl alcohol a <10 N/A
 % Serum ethyl alcohol a <.010 N/A
 Haptoglobin <8.0 (L) 30.0-200.0 mg/dL
 C-reactive protein a 5.40 ≤9.00 mg/L
 Serum C3 (complement) 75.0 (L) 90.0-180.0 mg/dL
 Serum C4 (complement) 6.6 (L) 10.0-40.0 mg/dL
Cardiac a
 Brain natriuretic peptide 13.8 ≤100.0 pg/mL
 Troponin-I .014 .000-.034 ng/mL
 White blood cells (WBCs) 6.9 4.2-10.2 thou/mcL
 Red blood cells (RBCs) 2.85 (L) 3.50-5.50 x10^6/ mcL
 Hemoglobin 8.5 (L) 12.0-16.0 g/dL
 Hematocrit 25.9% (L) 36.0-48.0%
 Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) blood 90.9 78.0-98.0 fL
 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) blood 29.8 25.0-35.0 pg
 MCH concentration 32.8 30.0-36.0 g/dL
 Red cell distribution width (RDW) 21.4% (H) 12.4-16.6%
 RDW standard deviation 62.7 (H) 37.0-54.0 fL
 Nucleated RBCs .39 .00-5.00x10^3/ mcL
 Platelet count 6 (L) 140-400 thou/mcL
 Absolute neutrophils 3.1 1.8-7.1 thou/mcL
 Absolute lymphocytes 3.47 1.30-5.94 thou/mcL
 Absolute reticulocytes 349.7 (H) 30.0-90.0 thou/mcL
 Immature reticulocyte fraction 40.9% N/A
 Segmented neutrophils 46.1% N/A
 Lymphocytes 51.0% N/A
 Monocytes 1.0% N/A
 Eosinophils 1.9% N/A
 Nucleated RBCs 5.70 (H) .00-1.00/100 WBC
 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 36 (H) 0-20 mm/hr
 Schistocytes Few N/A
 Fibrinogen level 244 208-475 mg/dL
 Active partial thrombin time 30.3 23.2-34.1 sec
 International normalized ratio 1.11 .85-1.16
 Prothrombin time 14.1 11.7-14.5 sec
 D-dimer, quantitative a 4.45 (H) .00-.44 mcg FEU/mL
 Russell viper venom 25.0 (L) 28.3-43.1 sec
Immunology a
 Cardiolipin antibody (Ab), IgA <2.0 <20.0, units not specified
 Cardiolipin Ab, IgG <2.0 <20.0, units not specified
 Cardiolipin Ab, IgM <2.0 <20.0, units not specified
 Anti-cardiolipin IgG <1.6 ≤19.9 GPL U/mL
 Anti-cardiolipin IgM 1.0 ≤19.9 MPL U/mL
 Beta-2-glycoprotein I (GPI) IgG <1.4 ≤19.9 unit/mL
 Phosphatidylserine IgG <10 <10 unit/mL
 Phosphatidylserine IgM <25 <25 unit/mL
 Phosphatidylserine IgA <20 <20 unit/mL
 Beta-2-GPI IgG <2.0 <20.0 unit/mL
 Beta-2-GPI IgM <2.0 <20.0 unit/mL
 Beta-2-GPI IgA <2.0 <20.0 unit/mL
 Antimicrosomal Ab 95.6 (H) ≤60 unit/mL
 Antinuclear Ab (ANA) Positive (A) Negative
 ANA titer Positive 1:320 (A) Negative
 ANA pattern Speckled N/A
 Anti-double stranded DNA Ab 1 ≤4 IU/mL
 Anti-Smith 0.2 ≤.9 AI
 Anti-RNP <0.2 ≤.9 AI
 Anti-SSA >8.0 (H) ≤.9 AI
 Anti-SSB >8.0 (H) ≤.9 AI
 Homocysteine 7.4 4.0-15.5 mcmol/L
 SARS-CoV-2 total ab 1310.00 (H) ≤.99 unit not specified
 ADAMTS-13 activity <3% (C) 68-163%
 ADAMTS-13 inhibitor 12.0 (H) <4 Bethesda units
Cerebrospinal fluid studies b
 Glucose 72 40-75 mg/mL
 Protein 52.5 (H) 15-45 mg/100 mL
 WBCs 0 <5/mL
 RBCS 0 <5/mL
UA Unremarkable
Infectious studies
 RPR screen a Negative N/A
 Hepatitis (Hep) A-IgM antibody a Negative N/A
 Hep B surface antigen a Negative N/A
 Hep B core-IgM antibody a Negative N/A
 Hepatitis C antibody Negative N/A
 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody/antigen Negative N/A
 Tuberculosis quantiferon gold Negative N/A
 Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) PCR test Negative N/A
 Meningitis/encephalitis panel Negative N/A
  Escherichia Coli K1 CSF
  Haemophilus influenzae CSF
  Listeria monocytogenes CSF
  Neisseria meningitidis CSF
  Streptococcus agalactiae CSF
  Streptococcus pneumoniae CSF
  Cytomegalovirus (CMV) CSF
  Enterovirus (EV) CSF
  Herpes-simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) CSF
  Herpes-simplex Virus-2 (HSV-2) CSF
  Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) CSF
  Human parechovirus (HPeV) CSF
  Varicella zoster virus (VZV) CSF
  Cryptococcus neoformans/Gatti CSF
 Respiratory pathogen panel Negative N/A

aspecimen collected after first day (24 h) of admission.

bObtained at outside hospital.

Abbreviations: (L): low, (H): high, (A): abnormal, (C): critical.