Table 1. Photophysical Properties of BNP and CCP in DCM Solution and in the Solid State.
Compound | λabs (DCM) [nm]a,b | ε (CHCl3) [mol–1 L–1 cm–1] | λem (DCM)[nm]a,b | Stokes shift (DCM) [cm–1] | Φem (DCM) | FLT (DCM) [ns] | λem (solid) [nm]a | Φem (solid) | FLT (solid) [ns] |
BNP | 270, 335, 452 | 15 486 | 531 | 3300 | 0.03 | 11.8d | 541 | <0.01 | 2.4g |
CCP | 283, 351 | 23 052 | 403, 494c | 3700 | 0.05 | 3.7,e 7.3f | 432, ∼500 | 0.03 | 0.6,h 6.4i |
Values in bold represent the intensity maxima.
c ∼ 1 × 10–3 mg mL–1.
The local maximum of CCP at λem = 494 nm was only found at c = 10 mg mL–1.
λem = 530 nm.
λem = 420 nm.
λem = 570 nm.
λem = 540 nm.
λem = 432 nm.
λem = 486 nm.