(A) B cells purified from untreated mice, MC38 tumor–bearing WT, or mIgG2c-G400R mice were adoptively transferred into μMT mice followed by MC38 tumor inoculation. Tumor growth curve and tumor weight are shown. (B) IgG purified from the serum samples of untreated mice, MC38 tumor–inoculated WT, or mIgG2c-G400R mice were intravenously reinfused into μMT mice followed by MC38 tumor cell inoculation. Tumor growth was recorded and tumor weight is shown. (C) Representative flow cytometry histograms of OVA-specific IgG2c+ B cells isolated from OVA-immunized mice. (D) OVA-specific IgG2c+ B cells were adoptively transferred into μMT mice followed by MC38-mOVA tumor cell inoculation. The curves of MC38-mOVA tumor growth and tumor weights are shown. One of 3 representative experiments is shown. Statistical significance was determined using 2-way ANOVA (tumor volume in A, B, and D) or unpaired, 2-tailed Student’s t test (tumor weight in A, B, and D). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM.