Figure 6.
Heatmaps of the mRNA expression of representative genes from 4 GO terms (A–D) and a principal component analysis (E) of NN-Veh, UN-RG-Veh, and UN-RG-TU pups (mean of 4 pups each). A) Inflammatory response, B) Response to interferon-γ, C) Regulation of cytokine production, and D) Cellular response to interferon-β. These 4 GO terms were commonly observed in two gene enrichment analyses, i.e. Figures 4B and 5B . (E) A principle component analysis: gray dots indicate principle scores, while red dots show the loading of NN-Veh (1), UN-RG-Veh (2), and UN-RG-TU (3). There was a tendency that NN-Veh (1) and UN-RG-TU (3) showed similar distribution in comparison with the distribution of UN-RG-Veh (2).