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. 2022 Mar 1;13:827032. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.827032

Table 2.

Animal models of estrogen receptors in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.

Models Estrous cycle Ovarian cyst Fertility Androgen levels LH levels Notes References
αERKO mouse Irregular YES Infertile Androstendione levels↑; testosterone levels↑ Circulating LH↑; plasma LH levels were significantly lower than ovariectomized wild-type females Hypoplastic uteri; hyperemic ovaries; E2 levels↑ (48, 49)
αβERKO mice NA NA Infertile Plasma testosterone levels↑ Serum LH levels was higher than αERKO females Normal reproductive tract; no corpora lutea were observed; apparent sex reversal (48, 50)
ENERKI mice NA YES Infertile Testosterone levels↑ Serum LH levels↑ Have hypoplastic uterine tissues; rudimentary mammary gland ductal trees; E2 levels↑ (51)
βERKO NA No Exhibit variable degrees of Subfertility Plasma testosterone levels↑ Exhibited wild type-like levels Aromatase activity↓; estradiol synthesis↓; have normal mammary histology (53, 55)
A neuron-specific ERα mutant mouse Failed to exhibit estrous cycles NA Infertile NA Basal LH levels are not elevated Lack estrogen positive feedback; have dilated, fluid-filled uteri; increased numbers of antral follicles; ack of corpora lutea (60, 61)
neuron-specific ERβ null mice Normal estrous cycles NA Impairment of fertility NA Increase in LH secretion after ovariectomy Normal negative feedback (61, 70)
ERαflox/flox αGSUcre mice Irregular NA Infertile NA Basal serum LH levels were not elevated Maintain a basal level of serum FSH; their ovulatory capacity is comparable to controls; (64)
PitESR1KO Irregular YES Subfertile or infertile NA Serum LH levels↑ A decrease in the number of litters and size of the litters; (65)
PitERtgKO Irregular YES NA Testosterone levels↑ Serum LH levels were normal Pituitary ERα is involved in negative feedback regulation of estrogen; an anomalous sporadic LH secretion profile (66)
GPER KO mouse Regular NO Fertility NA Serum LH levels were normal Normal function of the HPG axis; ovaries developed normally (69)

↑ = upregulated; ↓ = downregulated; NA: not available or not assessed. ER, estrogen receptor; GPER, G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; HPG, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal.