Fig. 3. Benchmarking PAM-flexible variants.
a Heatmap of fraction active values at all NGNN PAMs. Nucleotides 1 and 4 are along the x-axis, nucleotides 2 and 3 along the y-axis. b Table of fraction active values for each PAM-flexible variant binned by activity bin. c Comparison of xCas9-3.7 (left) and Cas9-NG (right) to Legut et al. 2020. Points are colored by PAM. PAM-mapping z-scored LFC values on the y-axis refer to data in the present study. d Comparison of Cas9-NG and SpG fraction active values. Points are colored by PAM. Dashed lines at 0.3 indicate the cutoff for intermediate PAMs. e ROC-AUC values by 5′-type for each PAM-flexible variant. True positives are guides targeting essential genes, false positives are guides targeting nonessential genes. Only active PAMs are considered in this analysis. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.