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. 2022 Mar 1;13:824510. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.824510


Impact of retrospective reassessment of variant pathogenicity. (A) Reclassification/prioritisation of variants according to CE/EF scores. (B) Prioritization of variants in genes with mis_z > 3 or pLI >0.9 according to gnomAD.

(A) Reclassification/prioritisation of variants according to CE/EF scores. (B) Prioritization of variants in genes with mis_z > 3 or pLI >0.9 according to gnomAD.
CM Subtype No. of genes with CE No. of patients with LP/P variants according to RDC (no. of variants) (i) (ii) Analyses of VUS No. of patients without genetic diagnosis, but variants (VUS) leading to definitive reclassification to LP No. of patients
No of patients with LP/p variants according to CE/EF scores (no. of variants) Correlation of variant classification between RDC and CE/EF scores No. of patients with prioritised variants because of CE No. of patients without genetic diagnosis, but variants possibly leading to reclassification
HCM 14 169 (172) 158 (160) 93% 61 44 19
DCM 14 181 (186) 178 (177) 95% 55 46 6 2
ACM 5 19 (20) 17 (17) 85% 1 1
CM 26 22 11
TOTAL 33 369 (378) 353 (354) 94% 143 113 25 19
No. of patients with selected variants 113 (6%) 25 (1.2%) 19 (1%)

A) 1) Variants classified as (L)P following RDC, CE/EF criteria and their correlations, 2) patients identified, after application of CE/EF scores on VUSs in CM subtype-specific genes, with reclassified variants and/or variants prioritized for future functional and/or co-segregation studies. B) Additional VUSs prioritized of genes not yet addressed within the CE/EF approach and having significant missense Z (mis_z) and/or probability of loss-of-function intolerant (pLI) scores adapted from the genome aggregation (gnomAD) database.