Table II.
Distal epitopes can be present either in the terminal glycan chain or in the middle of the polylactosamine extension. The synthesis of Lewis (Le) antigens is catalyzed by FucT-1, FucT-2, FucT-3, FucT-4, Fuct-5, FucT-6, FucT-7 and FucT-9. Biosynthesis of ABO groups is catalyzed by FucT-1 and FucT-2. Addition of CF epitope with the specific linkage α(1,6) is catalyzed by the unique FucT-8 enzyme. Structures are illustrated according to the SNFG notation: Gal (Galactose); Man (Mannose); Fuc (Fucose); GlcNAc (N-Acetylglucosamine); GalNAc (N-Acetylgalactosamine); Neu5Ac (N-Acetylneuraminic acid).