Figure 4.
Pooled risk difference (in percent) for good outcome (mRS 0–2 at 90 days) in ‘mothership’ anterior circulation large vessel occlusion stroke patients treated with MT alone vs. IVT plus MT within 4.5 hrs of symptom onset, stratified by geographic region (P for heterogeneity between subgroups=0.13; unadjusted pooled RD, random-effects meta-analysis). DIRECT-SAFE 12 was not included because it was conducted in Oceania (157 patients) and Asia (136 patients) and data allowing estimation of risk difference on functional outcome across geographical subgroups was not available at the time of the preparation of this expedited recommendation. Abbreviations: dMT: direct mechanical thrombectomy (MT alone); IVT: intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase; MT: mechanical thrombectomy; RD: risk difference.