Fig. 3.
An 80-year-old man with RCC (Case 1). The pre-contrast sagittal and coronal T1W images (a and e) show high signal in the cystic lesion. The post-contrast sagittal and coronal T1W images (b and f) show wall enhancement (grade 2). Compared with the pre-contrast 3D T2-FLAIR sagittal and coronal images (c and g), there is no wall enhancement on the post-contrast 3D T2-FLAIR sagittal and coronal images (d and h) (grade 0). The 3rd observer judged this lesion as a probable CPA (scale 4) at the 1st session but changed the assessment to probable RCC (scale 2) at the 2nd session. 3D T2-FLAIR, 3D T2 fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery; CPA, cystic pituitary adenoma; RCC, Rathke’s cleft cyst; T1W, T1-weighted.