E-cigarette device types* reported among middle and high school students who reported current (past 30-day) use of e-cigarettes, overall and by school level — National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2021
Abbreviation: e-cigarettes = electronic cigarettes.
* Device type among current e-cigarette users was assessed by the question, “Which of the following best describes the type of e-cigarette you have used in the past 30 days? If you have used more than one type, please think about the one you use most often. Response options included the following: “a disposable e-cigarette (for example, Puff Bar or Stig),” “an e-cigarette that uses pre-filled or refillable pods or cartridges (for example, Juul, Smok, or Suorin),” “an e-cigarette with a tank that you refill with liquids (including mod systems that can be customized by the user),” and “I don’t know the type.”
† Past 30-day use of e-cigarettes was determined by asking, “During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use e-cigarettes?” Those indicating use on ≥1 day of the past 30 days were considered current user of the respective product.