A). Best fit and 95% confident intervals of Model one to qPCR data. (
B). Under Model 1, normal levels of Nup98 are required to ensure k
A2 > k
A1, yielding a faster recruitment of loci into the active state (left) upon second induction, whereas k
Pol is constant under all conditions (2.0±0.2 RNA Pol min
–1). (
C). Fit of Model two to data. (
D). Under Model 2, k
A is large and essentially identical between conditions (left), ensuring near-simultaneous activation of all loci (left). The role of Nup98 is to ensure a rapid increase in k
Pol upon second induction. (
E). Best-fitting values and 95% confidence intervals for a Model 1 (constant k
Pol) and Model 2 (increase in k
Pol as a function of time). (
F). Goodness-of-fit values for each of the two mechanisms of increasing the transcription rate under an assumption that k
-A = 0. Values calculated as described in the legend to
Figure 2—figure supplement 1C.