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. 2022 Mar 8;2022:7134340. doi: 10.1155/2022/7134340

Table 1.

Study measures, survey items with responses, 2015 Comoros Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS).

Study measure GYTS survey items GYTS item responses Dichotomized measure
Dependent variable: current cigarette use During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? 0 days
1 or 2 days
3 to 5 days
6 to 9 days
10 to 19 days
20 to 29 days
All 30 days
No-0 days
Yes-1 or more days
Current use of noncigarette tobacco products During the past 30 days, did you use any form of smoked tobacco products other than cigarettes (such as cigar, pipe, water pipe, and shisha)? Yes
During the past 30 days, did you use any form of smokeless tobacco products (e.g., chewing tobacco, snuff, and dip)? Yes
Independent variables
Age How old are you? 11 years old or younger
12 years old
13 years old
14 years old
15 years old
16 years old
17 years old or older
13-15 years
≥16 years
Sex What is your sex? Male
Grade/form In what grade/form are you? 6 eme
5 eme
4 eme
3 eme
6 eme
5 eme
4 eme
3 eme
Money to be spent on average week During an average week, how much money do you have that you can spend on yourself, however you want? I usually do not have any spending money
Less than 500 Fr
[7501 and +
No money- I usually do not have any spending money
Have money- any other responses for any of the remaining seven items
Parental smoking How often do you see your father (stepfather or mother's partner) smoking in your home? Do not have/do not see this person
About every day
No- do not have/do not see this person and never
Yes- about every day and sometimes
No- no for both dichotomized items
How often do you see your mother (stepmother or father's partner) smoking in your home Do not have/do not see this person
About every day
No- do not have/do not see this person and never
Yes- about every day and sometimes
Yes - for both dichotomized items
SHSb exposure in your home During the past 7 days, on how many days has anyone smoked inside your home, in your presence? 0 days
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
No-0 days
Yes-1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
SHSb exposure outside home During the past 7 days, on how many days has anyone smoked in your presence, inside any enclosed public place, other than your home (such as office, school, shops, restaurants, cinemas, and night club)? 0 days
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
No-0 days
Yes-1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
No- no for all three dichotomized items
Yes - for all three dichotomized items
During the past 7 days, on how many days has anyone smoked in your presence, inside any public transportation vehicles, such as trains, buses, or taxicabs? I did not use public transportation during the past 7 days
I used public transportation, but no one smoked in my presence
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
No- “I did not use public transportation during the past 7 days” and “I used public transportation, but no one smoked in my presence”
Yes-1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
During the past 7 days, on how many days has anyone smoked in your presence, at any outdoor public place (such as playgrounds, sidewalks, entrances to buildings, parks, beaches, and vehicle)? 0 days
1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
No-0 days
Yes-1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
Exposure to antismoking media messages During the past 30 days, how many antismoking media messages (e.g., television, radio, billboards, posters, newspapers, magazines, and movies) have you seen? Yes
No- no for both dichotomized items
Yes - for both dichotomized items
Exposure to smoking media messages in the media During the past 30 days, did you see any people using tobacco on TV, in videos, or in movies? I did not watch TV, videos, or movies
Yes = “yes”
No = “I did not watch TV, videos, or movies” and “no”
Favour toward smoking ban Are you in favour of banning smoking inside enclosed public places (such as schools, shops, restaurants, supermarket, shopping centers, movie theaters, and youth homes ...)? No
Are you in favour of banning smoking at outdoor public places (such as stadium, public place, recreation areas, sidewalks, entrances to buildings, and beaches)? No
Knowledge about harmful effects of SHS Do you think the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful to you? Definitely not
Probably not
Probably yes
Definitely yes
No “definitely not” for both items
Yes - any other responses
For either item
Tobacco industry promotion Do you have something (t-shirt, pen, backpack, etc.) with a cigarette brand logo on it? No
No- no for both dichotomized items
Has a cigarette representative ever offered you a free cigarette? No
Yes - for both dichotomized items
Antismoking school education During the past 12 months, were you taught in any of your classes about the dangers of tobacco use? No
I do not know
No- no
I do not know
Yes- yes