Fig. 3. Yogurt impact is partly driven by the gut microbiota.
a–c Fecal gut microbiota assessed at 12 weeks for Study 1, 3, and 15 weeks for Study 2. a Alpha diversity-observed OTUs, Shannon index, and Simpson reciprocal index (indices adjusted by their baseline value, least square mean and 95% CI). b Beta diversity-Principal Coordinate Analyses (PCoA) of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, weighted UniFrac distances, and unweighted UniFrac distances with 95% confidence ellipses by group. c Heatmap of DESeq log2 fold changes over C or H group for genera significantly altered by H diet or Y treatment, respectively. Non-significant fold changes set to 0. Ward’s clustering criterion applied on genera. d Fecal hyodeoxycholic acid content at week 3 in Studies 1 and 2. For panels (a–d): Study 1, n = 18–24; Study 2, n = 13–24 and Study 3, n = 23–27 biologically independent mice. e–i Germ-free mice gavaged with fecal material from Study 1 and fed H diet for 9 weeks. Three cages of n = 3–4 receiver mice were allocated to each group, named H1-transplanted (H1-T) and Y1-transplanted (Y1-T). At week 9 post fecal material transplantation, e Fasting glucose, insulin, and corresponding HOMA-IR, f glucose tolerance test (GTT) and g glucose-stimulated insulin secretion during GTT. h Liver weight and i Hepatic triglyceride content. For panels (e–i): n = 11–12 biologically independent mice. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM except if specified otherwise. H versus C: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Y versus H: #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001. Y1-T versus H1-T: $p < 0.05. C: low-fat low-sucrose control diet (C1: white, C2: dark gray, C3: gray); H: high-fat high-sucrose diet with a protein mixture replacing casein (H1: pink, H2: dark red, H3: red); Y: lyophilized yogurt incorporated in H diet (Y1: light blue, Y2: dark blue, Y3: blue); T: transplanted mice (H1-T: pink, hatched and Y1-T: light blue, hatched). Numbers (1, 2, 3) refer to the study affiliation. a Generalized least-squares model and Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment for multiple testing on the number of variables. One-way ANOVAs or Mann–Whitney tests depending on data distribution (d). e, h, i T-test or Mann–Whitney and (f, g): mixed model followed by Tukey post hoc test. All tests were two-sided.