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. 2021 Jun 28;127(7):1060–1072. doi: 10.1017/S0007114521001719

Table 3.

Adjusted means and 95 % CI* for consumption (g/d) of selected foods in the year 2017 in the groups of vegetarians, low red and processed meat (RPM) consumption or high-RPM consumption

(Numbers; mean and 95 % confidence intervals)

Vegetarians (n 80) Low-RPM group (n 812) High-RPM group (n 888)
n Mean 95 % CI Mean 95 % CI Mean 95 % CI
RPM 1780 11 10, 12§,|| 34 32, 35,|| 202 194, 210,§
Poultry** 1780 2 1, 3§,|| 22 20, 25,|| 27 25, 29,§
Fish 1780 11 9, 13§,|| 41 38, 44 39 36, 41
Eggs 1780 19 16, 23|| 22 21, 24|| 29 27, 31,§
Liquid dairy products 1780 307 257, 366§ 403 378, 429,|| 305 288, 324§
Cheese 1780 41 34, 49 42 39, 45|| 33 31, 35§
Butter and butter-based fat spreads 1780 6 5, 8|| 7 7, 8|| 9 9, 10,§
Vegetable margarine and oil 1780 16 13, 19 16 15, 17|| 14 13, 15§
FV 1780 592 514, 681§,|| 446 425, 468,|| 307 292, 322,§
Legumes 1780 41 34, 50§,|| 10 10, 11 10 9, 10
Nuts and seeds 1780 10 8, 13§,|| 6 5, 6,|| 2 2, 2,§
Cereal products 1780 119 109, 131|| 123 119, 127|| 103 100, 106,§
 Rye†† 1772 29 23, 37 31 29, 34|| 25 23, 27§
Sweets and chocolate 1780 15 12, 18§,|| 9 9, 10 9 8, 10
Sugary beverages 1775 29 20, 40 21 19, 24|| 37 33, 42§

FV, fruit and vegetables; RPM, red and processed meat.


Geometric means and 95 % CI for LG10 transformed and back-transformed food consumption variables, which were analysed with ANCOVA (Bonferroni corrections), adjusted for daily energy intake.

The lowest red and processed meat consumption quintile in the year 2017: cut-off point 54 g/d, excluding vegetarians.

The highest red and processed meat consumption quintile in the year 2017: cut-off point 160 g/d.


Statistically significant difference at level P < 0·05 with the low-RPM group.


Statistically significant difference at level P < 0·05 with the high-RPM group.

Statistically significant difference at level P < 0·05 with vegetarians.


Sex interaction.


Rye is the most important determinant of whole-grain intake in Finland.