Nfatc1-lineage basal epithelial are heterogeneous during pregnancy (see also Figure S6)
(A) UMAP and PCA plots reveal cellular heterogeneity of 4,203 tdTomato+ cells that were sorted from Nfatc1CreERT2;R26tdTomato mammary glands at the first pregnancy day 14.5
(B) Heatmap showing differentially expressed genes in each cluster. Selected signature genes are shown on the right
(C) Feature plots showing expression distribution of selected signature genes for each cluster
(D) Violin plots showing genes functioning in cell proliferation
(E) Cell cycle analysis based on the UMAP plot of Nfatc1-lineage basal epithelial cells at pregnancy day 14.5. The percentages of cells in the S, G2/M and G1 phases were quantified in each cluster
(F) KEGG and GO analysis of each cluster using the top 250 differentially expressed genes in each cluster
(G) Pseudotime ordering of Nfatc1-lineage basal epithelial cells at pregnancy day 14.5.
(H) RNA velocity of Nfatc1-lineage basal epithelial cells on pregnancy day 14.5
(I) scEpath analysis identifying two gene clusters of branching genes