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. 2022 Feb 10;4(1):otac002. doi: 10.1093/crocol/otac002

Table 2.

Study characteristics—baseline data and definition of outcomes.

Male (%) Age (in years) Baseline CRP/FCa Indication for combination therapy Clinical effectiveness definitions Endoscopy effectiveness definitions EIM assessment
Sands et al7 24 (46) m 39.9 (±12·6) CRP: m 6.5 mg/L (±11.1) Active luminal disease Response: 70-point decrease from baseline in the CDAI score
Remission: CDAI <150
Buer et al28 5 (50) c (R 22–48) CRP: 5.45 mg/dL (R 0.6 to 52.4) Active luminal disease Remission:
HBI ≤4 or pMS ≤1
Response: CD, significant improvement but still with ulceration; UC, decrease in endoscopic Mayo >1
Remission: CD, absence of ulcerations; UC, Mayo <1
Mao et al29 3 (75) NR CRP: 37.4 mg/L (27.2 to 41.0) Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease NR NR NR
Dolinger et al32b 8 (50%) M 15.9
(IQR 13.5–16.9)
CRP: 5.7 mg/L (1.5 to 23) Active luminal disease Remission: CD: wPCDAI ≤12.5; UC/IBD-U: pMS <2 NR NR
Fumery et al33 4 (57.1) M 49
(IQR 31–53)
NR Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease; paradoxical adverse event NR NR NR
Glassner et al10 16 (32) m 36.7
CRP: 5 mg/dL (1.34 to 23.4) Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease Remission: HBI < 5, partial Mayo < 3 Remission: SES-CD score 0–2, Rutgeerts score i0–i1, or Mayo score 0 NR
Kwapisz et al9 5 (33.3) M 36 NR Active luminal disease Response:
UC: partial Mayo score
Olbjorn et al34b 6 (46) M 16
(R 11–17.5)
NR Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease; paradoxical adverse event NR NR Improvement in psoriasis
Privitera et al35 7 (44) M 38
(R 27–69)
NR Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease NR NR EIM clinical activity was classified as severe, mild, or remission according to clinical judgment
Yang et al11 10 (45) M 35
(IQR 31–43)
CRP: 17 mg/L (11.0 to 24.0) Active luminal disease Response: PRO-2 reduction by 8
Remission: PRO-2 <8
Response: >50% reduction in SES-CD or explicitly stated in endo report
Remission: SES-CD<3
Alayo et al30 17 (49) M 32
(IQR 26–39)
CRP: 1.35 mg/dL (0.5 to 11.6) Active luminal disease Response: >50% reduction in symptoms assessed based on PGA
Remission: 100% reduction in symptoms assessed based on PGA
Response: CD: >50% reduction in SES-CD or ≥50% reduction in MaRIAs
UC: ≥1 grade reduction in Mayo
Remission: CD: SES-CD of 0–2 or Global MaRIAs score of < 6; UC: Mayo subscore of 0 or 1
Lee et al31 9 (47) M 40
(IQR 30–50)
CRP: 3.7 mg/dL (1·7 to14·9) Active luminal disease; extraluminal disease Response: ≥3 point decrease in HBI
Remission: HBI ≤4
Response: ≥50% decrease in SES-CD
Remission: SES-CD ≤3
Healing: SES-CD = 0
Llano et al36 7 (50) M 37
(IQR 28–53)
CRP: 8 mg/L
(<5 to 27)
FC: 326 mcg/g (130 to >1000)
Active luminal disease Remission: normalization of HBI/Lichtiger Response: improvement in endoscopic Mayo NR

Abbreviations: CD, Crohn’s disease; CDAI, Crohn’s Disease Activity Index; CRP, C-reactive protein; EIM, extraintestinal manifestations; FC, fecal calprotectin; HBI, Harvey–Bradshaw index; IQR, interquartile range; m, mean; MaRIA, Magnetic Resonance Index of Activity; NR, not reported; PGA, Physician Global Assessment; pMS, partial Mayo score; PRO, patient-reported outcome; R, range; SES-CD, Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn Disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; wPCDAI, weighted Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Activity Index; ±, standard deviation.

Median (interquartile range) except otherwise specified.

Study was done in pediatric population.

Median or mean was not reported.