Figure 5. Depth and in vivo photostability of targeted GNR-RGD:
(a–b) Selected depth- encoded PAM images (x–y MIPs) acquired at 578 nm (a) and 700 nm (b), respectively. These images show the retinal vessels (RVs), choroidal vessels (CVs), and CNV located at different depths. (c) Graph of the quantitative PA signal amplitudes as a function of times. Peak PAM signal occurred at 48 h post-injection. (d–f) Overlay 3D PAM images acquired at 578 and 700 nm at different scanning times: First scan (d), second scan (e), and third scan (f). The PAM signal amplitudes fluctuated slightly about 5.5 % (PASignal = 2.23 ± 0.13 (a.u.), 2.26 ± 0.06 (a.u.), and 2.14 ± 0.12 (a.u.) for the first, second and third scan, respectively).