Figure 8. In vivo OCT images of targeted GNR in CNV rabbit model using subretinal injection of VEGF-165:
(a-b) Long-term B-scan OCT images acquired before and on day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 post I.V. injection of GNR. The white arrows indicate the location of CNV. Yellow and green rectangles show the selected region of interests (ROIs) to determine average OCT signal intensity at the position of CNV and adjacent tissues, respectively. (b) Magnification of the selected region outlined in Figure a. The surface margin of CNV was observed (red arrows) along with different layers such as choroidal vessels (CVs), and sclera. (c) Graph of OCT intensity versus injection time, showing the increase of OCT signal which peaked at 161.3% at day 3 post-injection.