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. 2022 Mar 16;2022(3):CD008524. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008524.pub4

Pant 1996.

Study characteristics
Methods Cluster‐randomised trial in rural Nepal
Participants Eligibility: children aged 6 months to 10 years
Sample: from 100 potentially eligible cluster sites, 75 were randomised (approximately 25,301 children). Baseline data on the number in each treatment group, proportion of boys and mean age not provided
Interventions 3 intervention groups
Experimental group I: single‐dose vitamin A 100,000 IU for children aged 6–12 months and 200,000 IU for children aged 1–10 years via a capsule 
Control group I: control (not adequately described)
Control group II: nutritional education
Study duration: 24 months
Outcomes All‐cause mortality and Bitot's spots
Notes No details on loss to follow‐up were given. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were inadequately described. No nominators/denominators were available for Bitot's spots.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Using random number tables and the reference number for each block …".
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: insufficient detail provided to make a judgement.
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias)
Blinding of participants Unclear risk Comment: insufficient detail provided to make a judgement.
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias)
Blinding of provider Unclear risk Comment: insufficient detail provided to make a judgement.
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias)
Blinding of outcome assessor Unclear risk Comment: insufficient detail provided to make a judgement.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) High risk Comment: no information given as regards how incomplete outcome data were addressed.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Comment: very specific outcomes reported. 5 types of examinations were administered to the children: ophthalmic, physical, anthropometric, blood and faecal; however, data in results were given only for prevalence of Bitot's spots and all‐cause mortality
Other bias Unclear risk Comment: insufficient detail provided to make a judgement.