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. 2022 Mar 2;13:778419. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.778419

Table 1.

Demographic, clinical, and tissue characteristics of subjects with Alzheimer's disease with and without psychosis examined by RNA-sequencing.

Variable Alzheimer's disease without psychosis
(n = 33)
Alzheimer's disease with psychosis
(n = 47)
Mean or total SD or % Mean or total SD or %
Age (years) 83.7 ±7.3 82.0 ±6.0
Age at onset (years)a 75.6 ±8.0 72.1 ±6.6
Duration of illness (years)a 8.1 ±3.0 9.0 ±3.3
Postmortem interval (hours) 6.3 ±4.0 5.9 ±3.9
Tau area ratio 0.1 ±0.1 0.1 ±0.1
Microvascular lesion sum score 0.3 ±0.5 0.2 ±0.4
HLA-DR:Iba1 ratio 0.5 ±0.7 0.4 ±1.3
Male 21 63.6% 28 59.6%
Female 12 36.4% 19 40.4%
Braak stage
III 5 15.2% 5 10.6%
IV 15 45.5% 18 38.3%
V 13 39.3% 24 51.1%
APOE-4 status
Positive 17 51.5% 29 61.7%
Negative 16 48.5% 18 38.3%
TDP-43 pathology
Positive 18 56.2% 34 72.3%
Negative 15 43.8% 13 27.7%
Lewy body pathology b
Positive 12 36.4% 30 63.8%
Negative 21 63.6% 17 36.2%
Microvascular lesion count
0 23 67.7% 36 76.7%
≥1 10 32.3% 11 23.4%
Antipsychotic use
Yes 2 6.1% 9 19.1%
No 31 93.9% 38 80.9%

Data unavailable for one subject, Alzheimer's Disease Without Psychosis.


p <0.05.