Figure 2.
Preclinical study subject flowchart. Study A consisted of six Yucatan minipigs (P1 to P6) and study B consisted of two Sinclair minipigs (P7 and P8). Cineloops typically encompass a time frame of 3–5 s at a frame rate of 19 Hz, and thus contain approximately 60–100 frames, from which 3–5 independent frames are selected. Note that training is performed with premolars of Yucatan (P1–P5) only. Test 1 is performed with (P6) premolars and Test 2 with (P6) central incisors. Test 3 is from the same cohort as training (P1–P5) but different teeth, i.e., non-premolars. Finally, Test 4 is out of breed (Sinclair, as opposed to Yucatan), on both molars and premolars