Accuracy of influenza self-test compared to laboratory reference test
Interpreter | Mean Ct value | TPd | FPd | FNd | TNd | Sensitivity (95% CI) |
Specificity (95% CI) |
Positive likelihood ratio (95% CI) | Negative likelihood ratio (95% CI) |
Participanta,b | 27.2 | 64 | 16 | 135 | 743 | 32% (26 to 39) |
98% (97 to 99) |
15.3 (9.0 to 25.8) |
0.69 (0.63 to 0.76) |
Expert | 27.2 | 57 | 3 | 144 | 762 | 28% (22 to 35) |
100% (99 to 100) |
72.31 (22.9 to 230) |
0.72 (0.66 to 0.78) |
Consensusc | 27.3 | 52 | 1 | 131 | 741 | 28% (22 to 36) |
100% (99 to 100) |
210.8 (29.3 to 1500) |
0.72 (0.65 to 0.79) |
Participant interpretation of flu Ab | 27.0 | 40 | 11 | 103 | 804 | 28% (21 to 36) |
99% (98 to 99) |
20.7 (10.9 to 39.4) |
0.74 (0.67 to 0.81) |
Participant interpretation of flu Bb | 27.8 | 18 | 11 | 38 | 891 | 32% (20 to 46) |
99% (98 to 99) |
26.9 (13.4 to 54.1) |
0.69 (0.57 to 0.82) |
Participant interpretation,a,b 20192020 flu vaccine = “Yes” |
26.4 | 30 | 12 | 69 | 380 | 30% (21 to 40) |
97% (95 to 98) |
9.90 (5.26, 18.63) |
0.72 (0.63 to 0.82) |
Participant interpretation,a,b 20192020 flu vaccine = “No” |
28 | 34 | 4 | 66 | 363 | 34% (25 to 44) |
99% (97 to 100) |
31.2 (11.3 to 85.8) |
0.67 (0.58 to 0.77) |
Expert interpretation,a 20192020 flu vaccine = “Yes” |
26.4 | 30 | 2 | 71 | 392 | 30% (21 to 40) |
99% (98 to 100) |
58.5 (14.2 to 240.8) |
0.71 (0.62 to 0.80) |
Expert interpretation,a 20192020 flu vaccine = “No” |
28 | 27 | 1 | 73 | 370 | 27% (19 to 37) |
100% (99 to 100) |
100.2 (13.8 to 728.2) |
0.73 (0.65 to 0.82) |
Ten tests were designated invalid by participants and by the expert and thus excluded from performance.
Participants interpreted eight tests as having lines both above and below the control line and these results were excluded from performance analysis.
Includes only RDTs for which the participant and expert agreed on the result.
TP, true positive; FP, false positive; FN, false negative; TN, true negative.