A) Standing T25 flask containing the specialized NK-92 medium, which is in standard use (NK-92med, medium represented in red); B) Standing T25 flask containing RPMI medium with added IL-2 (RPMIf, RPMI is represented in pink); C) 10cm tissue culture dish containing the general RPMI-IL-2 medium (RPMIp, RPMI is represented in pink). D) MTT assay is shown over the course of 48h of incubation. Measurements are of optical density (OD) of a sample drawn at the indicated time after changing of medium. E) CFSE assay, as measured by FACS. Hours indicate time after addition of CFSE. Shown is the staining with CFSE normalized to the staining immediately upon addition of CFSE to the medium. D and E show 1 representative out of 3 assays performed. red = NK-92med., blue = RPMIf, violet = RPMIp *p<0.05, **p<0.005 compared between the NK-92 in NK-92 medium as control and the NK-92 in RPMI + IL-2 medium (two-tailed ANOVA test).