Figure 1. The voltage-dependent conformation dynamics of the hHv1 channel S4 segment revealed by smFRET.
(A) Left panel, the cartoon of the hHv1 NMR structure (5oqk). The K125-S224 (blue) and K169-Q194C (red) labeling sites were highlighted by spheres; right panel, the sample immobilization configuration for smFRET imaging. The PEG passivated surface with 2% PEG-biotin (Btn-Peg) binds the biotinylated anti-Histag antibodies (Btn-HisAb) via neutravidin (NA), then the hHv1 liposomes with N-terminal 6*Histag (6×His) facing the outside were selectively retained for smFRET imaging. The liposome voltages were controlled by the K+ gradient across liposomes in the presence of K+ ionophore valinomycin (Val). Representative smFRET traces between the K169C-Q194C (B) and K125C-224C (D) labeling sites under −85 mV (resting), 0 mV (weak), and 120 mV (strong activating) voltages. The green and pink lines are donor and acceptor fluorescence intensities; the blue and red lines are the real and idealized FRET. FRET histograms and state occupancies of the smFRET data from the K169C-Q194C (C) and K125C-224C (E) labeling sites under different voltages. State occupancy data presented as mean ± SE, N is the number of smFRET traces. Unpaired t-tests were performed to examine significance levels of voltage-induced FRET state occupancy changes, in comparison to the occupancy of the same FRET state at −85 mV, with * and ** indicating p < 0.05 and p < 0.01. (F) The structure model used for kinetic analysis of smFRET traces, contains four FRET states, including low (FL), medium (FM), high (FH), and bleaching/blinking states (FB). However, the occupancies of the FB state are extremely low and the transitions to the FB state are very rare at all labeling sites and voltage/pH conditions, therefore the FB state was ignored in the following kinetic analyses. Transition density plots from the smFRET data at the K169C-Q194C (G) and K125C-224C (H) labeling sites under different voltages.