Cloud computing |
Comparison of cloud-based vs. non-cloud automotive SME’s organizational resilience in an uncertain business environment |
Arsovski et al. (2017) |
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Analysis of the interplay of CC and logistics service providers based on innovation diffusion theory within an SC risk assessment framework |
Subramanian and Abdulrahman (2017) |
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Internet of Things |
Assessment of IoT’s effect on SCRM processes, pathways and outcomes based on a multiple case study methodology |
Birkel and Hartmann (2020) |
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Discussion of IoT’s impact on internal and external risks under consideration of specific technologies, e.g., 3G, RFID, GPS |
Gao et al. (2020) |
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Big data analytics |
Analysis of the barriers successful BDA implementation faces in humanitarian supply chains |
Bag et al. (2020) |
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Presentation of a framework to apply Petri Net and Agent Based Model techniques to global SC disruptions |
Blos et al. (2018) |
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Introduction of an analytical framework (Twitter Analytics) for analyzing tweets with the ambition to generate insights on SCDs and reporting them to SC partners |
Chae (2015) |
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Application of variance-based structural equation modelling to analyze the relationship between data analytics and SCRES |
Dubey et al. (2021) |
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Presentation of a data-driven, disruption sensitive demand forecast framework |
Fu and Chien (2019) |
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Introduction of an SCM multi-agent-based system with dedicated big data and risk management agents to improve SC agility |
Giannakis and Louis (2016) |
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Review of literature on quantitative methods, e.g., mathematical models and optimization, for SCRES analysis |
Hosseini et al. (2019) |
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Development of an SC simulation model for single and dual sourcing under consideration of capacity disruption and big data |
Ivanov (2017) |
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Discussion of digital SC twins simulating real-world SCs based on the combination of data analytics and model-based decision-support |
Ivanov & Dolgui (2020a) |
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Assessment of supplier response diversity in case of SC disruptions and the impact on SCRES |
Kahiluoto et al. (2020) |
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Development of a multi-criteria decision support approach for supplier selection problems under consideration of SC risk |
Kellner et al. (2019) |
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Analysis unveiling the positive influence of BDA planning, BDA coordination and BDA control on SCRES |
Mandal (2019) |
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Presentation of a SLR on evidence-based, BDA-related papers in SCM |
Meriton et al. (2020) |
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Review of literature on supplier selection including data analytics and mathematical programming approaches to assess individual risk characteristics |
Ocampo et al. (2018) |
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Application of BDA to identify antecedents and propose and test frameworks in the context of SCRES |
Papadopoulos et al. (2017) |
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Discussion of BDA application in SC inventory management and supplier assessments to mitigate risks in the SC |
Sanders (2016) |
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Creation of a rule-based resilience support system for collaborative decision-making on the optimal state for initiating production and logistics recovery activities in the network |
Singh et al. (2019) |
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Analysis on the role of BDA in building SCRES with a special focus on the relationship with organizations’ IT and managerial capabilities |
Singh and Singh (2019) |
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Presentation of a hybrid simulation model using big data and statistical distribution allowing risk scenarios to be analyzed |
Vieira et al. (2019a) |
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Presentation of a decision-support-system empowered by a big data warehouse and a simulation model, allowing the analysis of risk scenarios |
Vieira et al. (2019b) |
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Identification of key SCRES antecedents through BDA for improved SC design, resource allocation and risk mitigation |
Wu et al. (2017) |
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Artificial intelligence |
Presentation of a data-driven ML approach facilitating resilient supplier selection |
Cavalcante et al. (2019) |
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Development of a machine-based learning algorithm to convert data from multiple news feeds into risk impact and probability indicators resulting in a visualization of country-level supply base risks |
Handfield et al. (2020) |
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Review of literature on the application of Bayesian networks for supply chain risk, resilience and ripple effect analysis including further development options using ML techniques |
Hosseini and Ivanov (2020) |
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Recommendation and examples for AI and Natural Language Processing use in supplier monitoring and SC mapping |
Linton and Vakil (2020) |
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Description of a Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning solution to automatically extract buyer–supplier relationships from newsfeeds and generate supply maps |
Wichmann et al. (2020) |
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Blockchain |
Contribution on how BC can be applied to facilitate the implementation of mean–variance risk analysis for global supply chain operations |
Choi et al. (2019) |
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Examination of BC application areas in multiple party disaster relief SC operations |
Dubey et al. (2020) |
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Analysis of resilience strategies in BC-supported SCs through agent-based simulation |
Lohmer et al. (2020) |
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Description of asset and order fulfillment tracking possibilities to mitigate risks associated with intermediaries’ interventions and improve SCRES |
Min (2019) |
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Discussion of BC resources at 24 companies and their role in improving agility and digitalization capabilities |
Nandi et al. (2020) |
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Various technologies |
Review of AI and BDA literature in SCRM with a focus on identifying related approaches and application possibilities in the SCRM process |
Baryannis et al. (2019) |
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Analysis of SCRES measures in the automotive and airline industries during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Belhadi et al. (2021) |
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Elaboration of a big data driven SC analytics architecture supported by CC with the goal of mitigating business risks, among others |
Biswas and Sen (2016) |
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Discussion on the application of BDA and ML in predicting first tier SCDs using historical data |
Brintrup et al. (2020) |
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Development of an analytical-based resilience model for CPSs to facilitate resource allocation decisions between agility, design and sourcing measures in case of SCDs |
Chen et al. (2020) |
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Presentation of BDA and ML application areas in operations management including potential data sources, commonly used techniques and implications for SCRM |
Choi et al. (2018) |
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Discussion of a new SC typology (“the X-network”) with resilience and digitalization characteristics |
Dolgui et al. (2020) |
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Application of BDA and IoT approaches in SC planning under causal and temporal uncertainty |
Dunke et al. (2018) |
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Description of possibilities to use BDA in long linked supply chains for risk mitigation under consideration of IoT data provisions |
Engelseth and Wang (2018) |
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Introduction of Data Mining frameworks in an SCRM context including the use of simulation techniques and IoT data |
Er Kara et al, (2020) |
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Introduction of the I4.0 supported low-certainty-need SC concept ensuring efficient disruption resistance and recovery resource allocation |
Ivanov and Dolgui (2019) |
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Development of a conceptual framework for researching the relationships between SCD risks and digitalization, including AM, BC, BDA, CPSs and IoT |
Ivanov et al. (2019) |
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Development of a multi-stage hybrid model for supplier selection and order allocation considering disruption risks and several I4.0 technologies |
Kaur and Prakash Singh (2021) |
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Illustration of BC mechanisms to achieve main SC objectives (including risk reduction) under consideration of IoT |
Kshetri (2018) |
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Introduction of an enterprise capability evaluation model and sharing system using BC, IoT and AI to achieve risk reduction through real-time data collection and automated assessment mechanisms |
Li et al. (2020) |
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Presentation and application of predictive analytics tools for forecasting demand shifts in various industries based on actual COVID-19 infection cases |
Nikolopoulos et al. (2020) |
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Investigation on the relationship of real-time data processing, data analytics and managerial capabilities under consideration of supporting technologies, e.g., CC |
Oliveira and Handfield (2019) |
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Presentation of an architectural framework for a cyber-physical logistics system including technical functionalities for a digital SC twin simulation engine |
Park, Son, & Noh, 2020 |
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Presentation of a mathematical production recovery model supported by BC and AM capacities to ensure the provision of essential and high-demand products following SCDs |
Paul and Chowdhury (2020) |
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Discussion on various digital supply chain capabilities and enabler technologies at the intersection of I4.0 and human resource management to improve SC performance |
Queiroz et al. (2021) |
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Presentation of a CC and IoT supported grey prediction model forecasting key indicators for SCRES performance allowing firms to proactively rearrange SCRM strategies and resources |
Rajesh (2016) |
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Analysis whether I4.0 is a driver of capability enhancement or capability loss including AI, BDA, CPSs and IoT |
Ralston and Blackhurst (2020) |
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Discussion of several I4.0 enabler technologies to support SCRES in a shipbuilding SC |
Ramirez-Peña et al. (2020) |
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Application of a multi-stage algorithm to assess and improve data quality in supplier selection for risk prevention |
Shabani-Naeeni and Ghasemy Yaghin (2021) |
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Discussion of SCRES advantages from AM and CPSs |
Shih (2020) |
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Review of literature with a focus on the achievement of main SC objectives in the I4.0 era under consideration of AM, BC and IoT |
Zhang et al. (2020) |
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Analysis of digital maturity’s effect on SCRES through a sample of SCM practitioners |
Zouari et al. (2020) |
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