Fig. 8.
a Comparison of EHVR of S wave, MHVR (termed MHVSR in this paper), and pseudo-EHVSR (pEHVR) transformed from MHVSR by using empirical EMR for site EHM008 (adapted from Kawase et al. 2019; Fig. 10). The EMR correction results in a significant shift of the MHVSR amplitude towards the EHVR. b Comparison of pEHVR (MHVSR corrected by EMR), pHHbR (pEHVR corrected by pVHbR), and actual HHbR (SSR in this paper) for site EHM008 (adapted from Kawase et al. 2019; Fig. 13). pVHbR is the spectrum used to correct for vertical component amplification of EHVSR