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. 2022 Feb 14;18(2):194–206. doi: 10.3988/jcn.2022.18.2.194

Table 1. Clinical profile and demographic data of the 24 studies including 33 cases.

Author Country Age and sex Respiratory/ systemic symptom onset Symptoms Onset Method of COVID-19 diagnosis CSF profile Brain imaging (CT/MRI) EEG Cytokines profile
Duong et al.11 USA 41 years, female NR Seizure NR RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased RBC Normal brain CT with contrast Generalized slowing with no epileptic discharge NR
Bernard-Valnet et al.12 Switzerland 64 years, female 5 days Tonic-clonic seizures, disorientation, psychosis Acute (not specified) RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain MRI Nonconvulsive focal status epilepticus NR
67 years, female 17 days Headache, confused Few hours before admission RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain MRI NR NR
Ye et al.13 China Male (age NR) 4 days Altered consciousness, confusion Acute (not specified) RT-PCR Normal Normal brain CT NR NR
McAbee et al.14 USA 11 years, male 2 days Status epilepticus Acute (not specified) RT-PCR Neutrophilic pleocytosis, increased protein and RBC Normal brain CT Frontal intermittent delta activity NR
Andriuta et al.15 France Middle-aged female 7 days Gait disturbance, hypopallesthesia, bladder and bowel incontinence Progressively developed on day 16 of admission RT-PCR NR Brain MRI: medial mesencephalic hyperintensity Normal NR
Middle-aged male NR Altered consciousness, flaccid tetraparesis NR RT-PCR NR Brain MRI: bilateral diffuse white-matter hyperintensities NR NR
Chaumont et al.16 France 69 years, male 7 days Confusion, headache 1 day before admission RT-PCR/CT Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain MRI Bilateral slowing NR
Sohal and Mansur17 USA 72 years, male NR Weakness, lightheadedness, seizure Day 3 of admission RT-PCR NR Brain CT: chronic microvascular changes Six left temporal seizures NR
Pilotto et al.18 Italy 60 years, male 2 days Altered consciousness 5 days before admission RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain CT Generalized slowing with reduced reactivity to acoustic stimuli Increased IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, and β2-microglobulin
Al-Olama et al.19 UAE 36 years, male 2 days Drowsy, headache 4 days after respiratory symptom RT-PCR NR Brain CT: right frontal intracerebral hematoma with subarachnoid hemorrhage in ipsilateral sylvian fissure and frontal and temporal lobes suggestive of viral encephalitis NR NR
Moriguchi et al.20 Japan 24 years, male 1 day Generalized seizure, unconsciousness 9 days after respiratory symptom CT/RT-PCR CSF Increased opening pressure, mononuclear pleocytosis Right lateral ventriculitis and encephalitis in right mesial lobe and hippocampus NR NR
Vandervorst et al.21 Belgium 29 years, male 7 days Generalized weakness, disorientation 10 days after respiratory symptom RT-PCR Normal Hyperintensity in the left medial temporal lobe with mild gyral expansion General excess beta rhythm with left temporal delta activity NR
Wong et al.22 UK 40 years, male 10 days Unsteady gait Day 3 of admission RT-PCR Normal Suggestive of inflammatory rhombencephalitis/ myelitis NR NR
Zandifar and Zandifar23 Iran 49 years, male 2 days Tonic–clonic seizure, altered consciousness Acute (not specified) Clinical, imaging, and exclusion of other possibilities Pleocytosis, increased protein Diffuse brain edema NR NR
39 years, male 5 days Tonic seizure, altered consciousness, disorientation Day 3 of admission RT-PCR NR NR NR NR
Farhadian et al.24 USA 78 years, female 2 days Uncontrolled limb movements 3 days before admission RT-PCR Brain MRI: atrophy and patchy periventricular and subcortical white matter hyperintensities Mild generalized slowing Increased IL-6, IL-8, and IFN-γ-induced protein 10
Chalil et al.25 Canada 48 years, female 14 days Altered consciousness Day 15 of admission RT-PCR+CT Neutrophilic pleocytosis Brain CT: extensive bilateral parietal and occipital intraparenchymal hemorrhage and interventricualr extension with hydrocephalus NR NR
Afshar et al.26 Iran 39 years, female 9 days Altered consciousness, tonic–clonic seizure 1 day after respiratory symptom Clinical, imaging, and serology Normal Brain MRI: hyperintensities in bilateral thalami, medial temporal lobe, and pons NR NR
Bodro et al.27 Spain 25 years, male 1 day Confusion and agitation 12 hours after respiratory symptom RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain CT and MRI NR NR
49 years, male 7 days Disorientation Few hours after admission RT-PCR Lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased protein Normal brain CT and MRI NR NR
Abdi et al.28 Iran 58 years, male No complaint Altered consciousness 1 month, progressive over 2 days RT-PCR Increased glucose Brain MRI: diffuse confluent white-matter hyperintensities NR NR
Delamarre et al.29 France 51 years, male 10 days Altered consciousness 11 days after respiratory symptom RT-PCR Albumin-cytological dissociation Brain MRI: bilateral hyperintensities in bilateral thalami Low-voltage symmetrical delta activity
Huang et al.30 USA 40 years, female NR Syncope and altered mental status NR RT-PCR Normal NR NR NR
Khoo et al.31 UK 65 years, female Respiratory symptoms at 2 weeks before admission Involuntary movements, diplopia, cognitive decline 7 days before admission RT-PCR Normal Normal brain MRI Normal NR
Zambreanu et al.32 UK 66 years, female NR Altered consciousness, confusion Few hours before admission RT-PCR Increased protein Hyperintensities in mesial temporal lobes and medial thalami NR NR
Panariello et al.33 Italy 23 years, male NR Psychosis 3 days RT-PCR Normal Normal 6 Hz theta activity Increased IL-6
Dogan et al.34 Turkey 49 years, male NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Suggestive of encephalitis NR Increased IL-6
59 years, male NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Suggestive of encephalitis NR Increased IL-6
59 years, male NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Normal NR Normal
51 years, female NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Normal NR Normal
55 years, male NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Normal NR Normal
22 years, male NR Altered consciousness NR RT-PCR Increased protein Suggestive of encephalitis NR Increased IL-6

COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; EEG, electroencephalography; IFN-γ, interferon gamma; NR, not reported; RBC, red blood cells; RT-PCR, reverse-transcription PCR.